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Dr. Ed Vavra
Assoc. Prof. of Rhetoric

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Composition (on & for the Teaching of Writing)

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Journal Key: CCC=College Composition and Communication; CE=College English;
EJ=English Journal; RTE=Research in the Teaching of English.

Applebee, Arthur N. Tradition & Reform in the Teaching of English: A History. NCTE, 1974. [H, R, N7] [derides the "direct teaching" of grammar, based on "the old and well-documented evidence that grammatical knowledge has no demonstrable relationship to writing ability ...." (249-50) Although he claims that it is well-documented, Applebee provides no footnote or other documentation. Such claims are often repeated and are an embarrassment to the English profession. Would someone please show me a person who can write and who has never been taught any grammar? To prove that there is no relationship, the people who make the claim should put their children into special schools, starting in kindergarten, where they would not be taught any rules of punctuation, capitalization, etc.Why haven't they done so?]

Aristotle, The Rhetoric. Trans. Lane Cooper. Englewood Cliffs,  N.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1960.

Baird, Theodore. "The Freshman English Course." Amherst Alumni News 40
  (1952), 194-96. [S=Eight Approaches, 155.]

Bartholomae, David. "Teaching Basic Writing: An Alternative to Basic Skills."  Journal of Basic Writing 2, No.2. (1979):106-7. (S=The Writer's Mind,  150.)

_____ "Teaching Ourselves to Teach Basic Writing." PCTE  Bulletin (April, 1977):19. (S=The Writer's Mind, 150.)

Beach, Richard and Lillian S. Bridwell, eds., New Directions in Composition  Research. New York: Guilford, 1984.

Beaugrande, Robert de. Text, Discourse, and Process. Ablex Publishing Corp.  (S=CE, 46 (1984), 533.)

_____ "Writer, Reader, Critic: Comparing Critical Theories *R as Discourse," CE, 46 No.6 (Oct 84), 533-559

Benjamin, Alfred. The Helping Interview. 2nd ed. Boston:Houghton Mifflin,   1974.

Berke,  Jacqueline. Twenty Questions for the Writer. 2nd ed. New York: HBJ, 1976. [T,R]

Berlin, James. "Contemporary Composition: The Major Pedagogical Theories."  College English 44 (1982): 765-77. (S=TETYC, Dec 84, 16.)

Berlin, James, and Robert P. Inkster.  "Current Traditional Rhetoric:  Paradigms and Practice." Freshman English News 8 (Winter 1980): 1-4, 13-14. [S= TETYC, Dec 84, 16.]

Berthoff, Ann E. Forming--Thinking--Writing: The Composing Imagination  Boynton/Cook, 1982, [H, R, N7 - a very good book]

_____  "Is Teaching Still Possible?: Writing, Meaning, and Higher Order  Reasoning," CE, 46 No. 8 (Dec 84), 743-755.[R]

_____ The Making of Meaning. Boynton/Cook, 1981.[H,R, N7 -- another very good book]

_____  ed. Reclaiming the Imagination: Philosophical Perspectives for  Writers and Teachers of Writing. Boynton/Cook, 1984.

Beyer, Barry K. "Pre-Writing and Rewriting to Learn." Social Education, 43  (1979), 187-89, 197. [S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

_____ and Anita Brostoff. "The Time It Takes: Managing/Evaluating Writing  and Social Studies." Social Education, 43 (1979), 194-197. [ S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Bitzer, Lloyd. "The Rhetorical Situation." Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1 (Jan  60), 1-14. (S=Writer's Mind, 240.)

Bizzell, Patricia. "Thomas Kuhn, Scientism, and English Studies." College English 40 (1979), 764-771. [S=Eight Approaches,151.]

Booth, Wayne. Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent. Chicago: Univ of  Chicago Press, 1974.

_____ "The Rhetorical Stance." CCC, 14 (Oct 63), 139-45. (S=Writer's  Mind, 240.)

Bracewell, Robert J. "Writing as a Cognitive Activity" Visible Language, 14  (1980), 400-422. (S=CE, 47 (1985), 121.)

Braddock, Richard, Richard Lloyd-Jones, and Lowell Schoer, eds. Research in Written Composition (Champaign, Ill.:NCTE, 1963).[R, N7 -- worse than Applebee (See above)]

Britton, James, et al. The Development of Writing Abilities:11-18. London:  Macmillan Education. 1975.

Brown, Rollo Walter. How the French Boy Learns to Write. 1915; rpt.  Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1965.

Bruffee, Kenneth A. "Getting Started," in Linguistics, Stylistics, and the Teaching of Composition (Studies in Contemporary Language #2), ed.  Donald A. McQuade (Akron, Ohio: University of Akron, 1979), 52-60.  (S=The Writer's Mind, 169.)

_____ A Short Course in Writing. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.:  Winthrop, 1980. (S=The Writer's Mind, 169.)

Bruner, Jerome. "Language as an Instrument of Thought." in Problems of  Language and Learning. ed. Alan Davies (London:Heinemann, 1975), 79-80.  [S=Writer's Mind, xix.]

_____ "On Perceptual Readiness." Psychological Review, 64 (1957)  123-52. [S=Eight Approaches, 155]

_____ On Knowing: Essays for the Left Hand. 1962; rpt. NY:Atheneum, 1965.[H, R - a good book]

_____ The Process of Education. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard UP, 1977.[R]

Burke, Kenneth. Counter-Statement. Berkeley: Univ of Cal Press, 1968.

_____ Permanence and Change: An Anatomy of Purpose. 2nd rev ed. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. [R]

_____  "Rhetoric--Old and New." Journal of General Educaton, 5(1951),  202-209. [S=Eight Approaches, 155].

Chafe, Wallace. Meaning and the Structure of Language. Chicago: U of Chicago  P, 1970. (Includes a discussion of the importance of the grammatical  subject on pages 210-212!) (S=The Writer's Mind, 65.)

Chase, Stuart. The Tyranny of Words. NY: HBJ, 1966 (originally 1938). [H, R, N7]

Chomsky, Carol. "Write First, Read Later." Childhood Education 47 (1971),  296-299. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

Christiansen, Francis, & Bonniejean Christiansen. Notes toward a New Rhetoric. 2nd ed. NY: Harper & Row, 1978. [R, N7 - a very good book -- discusses "postponed subjects" (66)]

Clark, William A. "How to Completely Individualize a Writing Program." EJ,  64 (1975), 66-69.

Coles, William E., Jr. Composing. 1974. (S=WMWG, 324.)

_____ The Plural I: The Teaching of Writing. New York: Holt,   Rinehart and Winston, 1978.

_____ Composing: Writing as a Self-Creating Process. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden, 1974.

_____  "Freshman Composition: The Circle of Unbelief." CE 31 (1969),  134-42. [S=Eight Approaches, 155.]

_____ Teaching Composition. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden, 1974.

____ "Teaching the Teaching of Composition: Evolving a Style." CCC  28 (1977), 268-270. [S=Eight Approaches, 151].

_____ and James Vopat, eds. What Makes Writing Good. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath, 1985. [H, R, a terrible book]

Connors, Robert J., Lisa S. Ede, and Andrea A. Lunsford. Essays on Classical  Rhetoric and Modern Discourse. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP 1984. [R - some good stuff]

Cooper, Charles R. and Odell, Lee, eds. Evaluating Writing: Describing, Measuring, Judging. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1977. [H, R, N7]

_____ . ed. The Nature and Measurement of Competency in English. Urbana, NCTE, 1981. [H, R, N7]

_____ . and Odell, Lee. Research on Composing: Points of Departure  Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1978.[R]

_____ "Teaching Writing By Conferencing." In Survival Through Language:  The Basics and Beyond. Proc. of the Twenty-ninth Language  Communications Conference, 1976. Ed. Rita Bean, Allen Berger, and  Anthony Petrosky.  Pittsburgh, Penn.: Univ of Pittsburgh, 1977,  7-22. [S=Eight Approaches, 156.]

Corbett, Edward p.J. Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford UP, 1971.[R, N7 - a very good book]

Creber, J.W. Patrick. Sense and Sensitivity. London: University of  London,1965.

Daiute, Collette A. "Psycholinguistic Foundations of the Writing Process,"  RTE 15 (1981), 5-22. (S=CE, 47 (1985), 121.)

D'Angelo, Frank. A Conceptual Theory of Rhetoric. (Cambridge, Mass.:  Winthrop, 1975. (S=Writer's Mind, 13.)

_____  "Imitation and Style." CCC 24 (1973), 283-290. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

_____  "New and Renewed Rhetorics: Implications for Teaching."  Arizona English Bulletin 16 (1974):1-15.[S=TETYC, Dec 84, 16.]

_____ Process and Thought in Composition with Handbook. 3rd ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1985. [T, H]

Davis, Barbara Cross, Michael Scrriven, and Susan Thomas. The Evaluation of Composition Instruction. Inverness, Cal.: Edgepress, 1981. [Review in CE 46 (1984),133-136].

Davis, Vivian I. "Toward a Model of the Composing Process." Arizona English Bulletin, 19 (1976), 13-16. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

Diederich, Paul B. Measuring Growth in English. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1974.

Dillon, George L. Constructing Texts: Elements of a Theory of Composition and Style. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1981.

Donovan,  Timothy R. and Ben W. McClelland. Eight Approaches to Teaching Composition. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1980. [H, R, N7  Bib done.]

Dowst, Kenneth. "Epideictic and Englishpaperese: A New View of an Old Style."  Freshman English News, 7 No.3 (1979), 21-24. [S=Eight Approaches, 155.]

_____  "What the Composition Teacher Composes: The Writing  Assignment as Teaching Device and Work of Art." Arizona English Bulletin, 20, No.2 (1978), 99-103. [S=Eight Approaches, 155.]

Duke, Charles. "The Student-Centered Conference and the Writing Process."  EJ, 64 (1975), 44-47.

Elbow, Peter, Writing with Power. New York: Oxford UP, 1981.[R, N7]

_____ Writing without Teachers. New York: Oxford UP, 1973.

Emig, Janet. "The Biology of Writing: Another View of the Process." In The Writing Processes of Students. Ed. Walter T. Perry and Patrick J. Finn.  Report of the Annual Conference on Language Arts, State University at Buffalo, Conference Report #1, 1975. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

_____ The Composing Process of Twelfth Graders. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE  1971.[R]

_____  "Inquiry Paradigms and Writing," CCC, 33 (1982), 64-75. (S=CE 47  (1985), 127.)

_____  "On Teaching Composition: Some Hypotheses as Definitions." RTE,  1 (1976), 127-35. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

_____  "Writing as a Mode of Learning." CCC 28 (1977), 122-28. [S=  Eight Approaches, 154.]

Eschholz, Paul. Language Awareness. 3rd ed. 1982. (S=WMWG, 264.)

_____ Models for Writers: Short Essays for Composition. 1982. (S=WMWG,  264.)

_____ Subject and Strategy: A Rhetoric Reader. 2nd ed. 1981. [S=WMWG,  264.]

_____ Outlooks and Insights: A Reader for Writers. 1983. (S=WMWG, 264.)

Festinger, Leon. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford UP, 1965.

Field, John P. and Robert H. Weiss. "Cases for Context and Involvement: Giving Students Part of the Action." Bulletin of the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English, 38 (1978), 3-8. [S=Eight Approaches,157.]

Fisher, Lester, and Donald M. Murray. "Perhaps the Professor Should Cut Class." CE, 35 (1973), 169-173.[S=Eight Approaches, 156.]

Flower, Linda. and J.R. Hayes. "The Cognition of Discovery." CCC 31 (Feb,  1980), 21-32. (S=The Writer's Mind, 50.)

_____ and John R. Hayes. "The Dynamics of Composing: Making Plans and  Juggling Constraints," in Cognitive Processes in Writing, ed. Lee Gregg  and Erwin Steinberg. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Earlbaum, 1980. (S=The Writer's Mind, 65.)

_____ Problem-Solving Strategies for Writing. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981. (S=The Writer's Mind, 219.)

____ and John R. Hayes. "Problem Solving Strategy and the Writing Process." CE 39 (1977), 449-461. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

_____ "Writer-Based Prose: A Cognitive Basis for Problems in Writing." CE  41 (1979), 19. (S=The Writer's Mind, 84.)

Fogarty, Daniel. Roots For A New Rhetoric. NY: Teacher's College Columbia University, 1959.

Foster, David A. A Primer for Writing Teachers: Theories, Theorists, Issues Problems. Upper Montclair, N.J.: Boynton/Cook, 1983.

Frase, L.T. "Boundary Conditions for Mathemagenic Behaviors." Review of  Educational Research, 40 (1970), 337-348. [S=Eight Approaches,  157.]

Gallo, Donald R., ed. "Teaching Writing: Advice from the Professionals."  Connecticut English Journal, 8 (1977), 1-31. [S=Eight Approaches  p. 152.]

Garrison, Roger. How a Writer Works. New York: Harper and Row, 1981.

_____ "One to One: Tutorial Instruction in Freshman Composition." In  New Directions for Community Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass, 2 (1974), 55-83. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

Gebhardt, Richard. Composition and Its Teaching: Articles from the Journal of College Composition and Communication during the editorship of Edward P.J. Corbett. Findlay, Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, 1979.

Gere, Anne. "Written Composition: Toward a Theory of Evaluation," CE 42 (Sept  80):48. (S=The Writer's Mind, 65.)

Gibson, Walker, ed. The Limits of Language. NY: Hill and Wang, 1962.

_____ Persona. 1969. (S=WMWG, 186.)

_____ Tough, Sweet and Stuffy. 1967. (R, S=WMWG, 186.)

_____ Seeing and Writing: Fifteen Exercises in Composing Experience  2nd ed. NY: David McKay, 1974.

Golden, James L. and Edward P.J. Corbett. The Rhetoric of Blair, Campbell and Whateley. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1968.

Gorrell, Robert M. "Question II, 7." In Questions English Teachers Ask  Ed. R. Baird Shuman. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden, 1977, 58-60.[S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

Goswami, Dixie. & Peter Stillman, eds. Reclaiming the Classroom: Teacher Research as an Agency for Change. Boynton/Cook, 1987. [H, R, N7]

Graves, Donald H. Balance the Basics: Let Them Write. New York: Ford Foundation Papers on Research About Learning, February, 1978.[S=Eight Approaches. 151.]

_____  "An Examination of the Writing Process of Seven-Year-Old Children."  Research in the Teaching of English, 9 (1975), 236-45.

Graves, Richard. Rhetoric and Composition: A Sourcebook for Teachers. 2nd ed. Upper Montclair, N.J.: Boynton/Cook, 1984. [Good review of this and other texts in CE, Jan 85, 58-65.]

Gregg, Lee W. and Erwin R. Steinberg. Cognitive Processes in Writing.  Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1980.

Guilford, J.P. "Creativity: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." Journal of Creative Behavior 1 (1967), 3-8. [S=Eight Approaches, 154.]

Hairston, Maxine. "The Winds of Change: Thomas Kuhn and the Revolution in the Teaching of Writing." CCC 33 (1982): 76-88. [S=TETYC, Dec 84. 16.]

Hall, Donald. Writing Well. 3rd ed. Boston:Little, Brown and Co., 1979.

Hall, Lawrence. How Thinking Is Written. Boston: Heath, 1963. [R, N7 -- an interesting book]

Hancock, Deborah Osen, and Andrew Moss, eds. Reading and Writing Programs within the Discipline: A Preliminary Directory of Models. rev. ed. Fullerton, California: Univ of California and California State Universities and Colleges Joint Work Group, 1979. [S=Eight Approaches,157.]

Hartwell, Patrick and Bentley, Robert H. Some Suggestions for Open to Language. (NY: Oxford UP, 1982.) (S=CE, 47 (1985), 121.)

Hays,  Janice N., Phyllis A. Roth, Jon R. Ramsey, and Robert D. Foulke. The Writer's Mind: Writing as a Mode of Thinking. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE 1983. [H, R, N7]

Held,  George and Rosenberg, Wareen, "Student-Faculty Collaboration in Teaching
  College Writing," College English, 45 (1983), 817-823. [R]

Hirsch, E.D.Jr. "The Contents of English Literature," The Times Literary Supplement, Dec. 10, 1982.  [R]

_____  "Cultural Literacy," The American Scholar. 52 (1983), 159-69.  (S=CE, 46 (1984), 622.)

_____  "Culture and Literacy," The Journal of Basic Writing, 3  (1980), 27-47. (S=CE, 46 (1984), 622.)

_____  "'English' and the Perils of Formalism," The American Scholar. 52  (1983), 369-379. (S=CE, 46 (1984), 622.)

_____ The Philosophy of Composition. Chicago: Univ of Chicago Press, 1977. [R, N7 -- Chapter Five is very good: "The Psychological Bases of Readability." (92-139" discusses grammar and short-term memory:

    "a given number of elements operating on the same grammatical plane will be much less taxing to short-term memory than an equal number of elements in a grammatical hierarchy." (112)
    "each step in a grammatical hierarchy is an item suspended in short-term memory." (114)]
_____  "Reading, Writing, and Cultural Literacy," in Composition and Literature: Bridging the Gap. ed. Winifrred B. Horner. Chicago: Univ of  Chicago Press, 1983. 144ff. (S=CE, 46 (1984), 622.)

Huff, Roland K., "Teaching Revision: A Model of the Drafting Process," CE  45 (1983), 800-816. [R]

Irmscher,  William F. and Harryette Stover.The Holt Guide to English, alternate edition, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985.

Irmscher, William F. Teaching Expository Writing. New York: Holt, Rinehart  and Winston, 1979. (S=The Writer's Mind, 210.)

Jacobs, Suzanne E., Composing and Coherence: The Writing of Eleven Pre-Medical Students. Wash. D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics. 1982. [R, N7]

_____. and Adela B. Karliner. "Helping Writers to Think: The  Effect of Speech Rate in Individual Conferences on the Quality of  Thought in Student Writing." CE, 38 (1977), 489-505. [S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Judy, Stephen, Geoffrey Summerfield, Richard Peck, and Patrick Courts. The Creative Word I-IV. NY: Random House, 1973, 1974.

Judy, Stephen N. and Susan J. Judy. An Introduction to the Teaching of  Writing. New York: Wiley, 1981.

_____ "Writing for the Here and Now." In Explorations in the Teaching of  Secondary English. New York: Dodd, Mead; Harper and Row, 1974.

Katula, Richard and Richard W. Roth. "A Stock Issues Approach to Writing  Arguments." CCC 31 (May 80):183-195. (S=The Writer's Mind, 180.)

King, Martha L. "Research in Composition: A Need for Theory." Research in the Teaching of English, 12 (1978), 193-202.

Kinneavy, James L. and  John Cope, and John Campbell. Aims and Audiences in Writing. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1975.

_____ A Theory of Discourse: The Aims of Discourse. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1971.

_____ Writing--Basic Modes of Organization. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/ Hunt, 1976.

Kinney, James. "Classifying Heuristics." CCC 30 (1979):351-66. (S=TETYC, OCt  84, 28.)

Kitzhaber, Albert. Themes, Theories, and Therapy: The Teaching of Writing in College . New York:McGraw-Hill, 1793. (S=The Writer's Mind, 101.)

Klinger, George. "A Campus View of College Writing." CCC, 28(1977), 343-47.[S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Kneupper, Charles. "Teaching Argument: An Introduction to the Toulmin Model." CCC 29 (Oct 78):237-241. (S=The Writer's Mind, 144.)

Knoblauch, C.H. & Lil Brannon. Rhetorical Traditions and the Teaching of Writing. Boynton, 1984. (S=TETYC, Oct 84, 75.)

Koestler, Arthur. The Act of Creation. NY: Macmillan, 1964.

Kroll, Barry M. "Developmental Perspectives and the Teaching of Composition"  CE 41 (March 1980): 741-52. (S=The Writer's Mind, 169.)

_____ and Roberta J. Vann, eds.Exploring Speaking-Writing Relationships: Connections and Contrasts. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1981.

Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 2nd ed. Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1970. [R, N7]

Langer, Susanne K. Philosophy in a New Key. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1957. [R]

Lanham, Richard. Revising Prose. New York: Scribner, 1979.

_____ Style: An Anti-Textbook. New Haven: Yale UP, 1974.

Lannon, John M. Technical Writing. 2nd ed. Boston: Little Brown, 1982. [H, R, N7]

Larson, Richard. Children and Writing in the Elementary School. New York: Oxford UP, 1975.

_____  "Selected Bibliography of Research and Writing about the Teaching of Composition," CCC (May  issues, Vols. 26-30, 1975-1979).

_____  "Teaching Rhetoric in the High School." EJ 55 (1966), 1058- 1065. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

_____ "Structure and Form in Non-Fiction Prose." In Teaching Composition 10 Bibliographical Essays. Ed. Gary Tate. Fort Worth, Tex.: Texas Christian University Press, 1976, 45-71.

Lauer, Janice M. "Heuristics and Composition." CCC 21 (1970), 396-404.[S=Eight Approaches, 154.

_____  "Invention in Contemporary Rhetoric: Heuristic Procedure."  Diss. University of Michigan, 1967. [S=Eight Approaches, 154.]

_____ and Gene Montague, Andrea Lunsford, and Janet Emig. The Worlds of Writing. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.

_____ and Gene Montague, Andrea Lunsford, and Janet Emig. Four Worlds of Writing. NY: Harper & Row, 1981. (S=WMWGood, 63.)

Lindemann, Erika. A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers. New York: Oxford Univ Press, 1982.

Lonergan, Bernard. Insight: A Study of Human Understanding. NY: Philosophical  Library, 1957.

Lunsford, Andrea. "Cognitive Development and the Basic Writer." CE 41  (1979):38-46. (S=The Writer's Mind, 157.)

Macrorie, Ken.Telling Writing. New York: Hayden, 1970.

Macrorie, Ken. Uptaught. Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden, 1970.

Maimon, Elaine P. "Talking to Strangers." CCC 30 (Dec 79):364-69. (S= The Writer' Mind, 169.)

Martin, Nancy, et al. Writing and Learning Across the Curriculum, 11-16  London: Ward Lock Educational, 1976.

McKinnon, Joe W. "The College Student and Formal Operations," in John W.  Renner et. al., Research, Teaching and Learning with the Piaget Model.  Norman, Okla.: Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1976, 11. (S=The Writer's Mind,  157.)

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1973. [R]

Miles, Josephine, "What We Compose." CCC, 14(1963), 146-154. [S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Miller, James E., Jr., and Stephen Judy. Writing in Reality. NY: Harper and Row, 1978.

_____ Word, Self, Reality: The Rhetoric of Imagination. NY: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1973.

Moffett, James. Active Voice: A Writing Program Across the Curriculum  Montclair, N.J.: Boynton, 1981. (S=TETYC, Feb 85, 31)

_____ Drama: What Is Happening? The Use of Dramatic Activities in the Teaching of English. Champaign, Ill.:NCTE, 1967. (S=The Writer's Mind,  188.)

_____ "Learning to Write by Writing." In Teaching High School Composition. Ed. Garry Tate and Edward P.J. Corbett. New York: Oxford UP, 1970, 43-60.

_____ Teaching the Universe of Discourse. Boston: Houghton Miff,  1968.[R]

Mosenthal, Peter, Lynne Tamor, and Sean A. Walmsley. Research on Writing: Principles and Methods. New York: Longman, 1983.

Murphy, James J. "Rhetorical History as a Guide to the Salvation of American  Reading and Writing: A Plea for Curricular Courage." The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing. NY: MLA, 1982. (S=Rhetoric Review, Sept 85,  15.)

Murray, Donald M. Learning by Teaching. Upper Montclair, N.J.: Boynton/ Cook, 1982. [Review in TETYC, Dec 84, 70-72.]

_____ Write to Learn. 1984. (S=What makes WG, 105.)

_____ A Writer Teaches Writing: A Practical Method of Teaching  Composition. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1968.

Myers, Miles, and James Gray, eds. Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Composition: Processing, Distancing, and Modeling. NCTE, 1983.[H, R, N7]

Neel, Jasper P. ed. Options for the Teaching of English: Freshman Composition   New York: Modern Language Associaton, 1978.

Neman, Beth. Teaching Students to Write. Columbus, Ohio: Charles Merill,  1980.

North, Stephen M. The Making of Knowledge in Composition: Portrait of an Emerging Field. Upper Montclair: Boynton/Cook, 1987. [H,R,N7]

    "Investigators often seem unreflective about their own mode of inquiry, let alone anyone else's." (3)
    "this general naivete -- the notion that research is research is research -- turns out to be something of a theme in this section [on the Researchers]" (136)
    [Chapter 11. "Revolution, Phase II: To the Victors" (337-360) is especially good at pointing out that much of the anti-grammar research was done with a bias -- to gain power within the educational community.]
    "The stakes remain much what they have been all along: power, prestige, professional recognition and advancement." (363) [Note that "helping students" is not in the list.]
Nystrand, Martin, ed. Language as a Way of Knowing. Toronto: Ontario  Institute for Studies in Education, 1979.

Ohmann, Richard. English in America: A Radical View of the Profession. 1976(S=WMWG, 134.)

_____ and W.B. Coley. Ideas for English 101: Teaching Writing in College. Urbana, Ill.:NCTE, 1975.

_____ "In Lieu of a New Rhetoric." CE, 26 (1964), 17-22.

Olson, Gary A., ed. Writing Centers: Theory and Administration. NCTE, 1984.[H, R]

Ong,  Walter. Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousnes and Culture. Ithaca, NY: Cornell UP, 1977. [S=The Writer's Mind, 188.]

_____ "Literacy and Orality in Our Times." Profession 79. NY: Modern Language Association, 1979, 1-7.

_____ Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. New York: Methuen, 1982. [R, One of the most important books I have ever read. Unfortunately, it is incomprehensible to anyone with an oral mentality. (Read the book.)]

_____  "The Writer's Audience is Always a Fiction." PMLA, 90 (1975), 9-21.

Payne, Lucile Vaughn. "Teaching Students to Write." National Education Association Journal, 55 (1966), 28-30.

Perelman, Chaim. and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca. The New Rhetoric. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1969. (S=TheWriter's Mind, 72.)

_____ The Realm of Rhetoric. Notre Dame, Ind.: Univ of Notre Dame Press, 1982.

Perl, Sondra. "The Composing Process of Unskilled College Writers," RTE 13  (1979):333. (S=The Writer's Mind, 84.)

_____  "A Look at Basic Writers in the Process of Composing," in Basic Writing: A Collection of Essays for Teachers, Researchers, and Administrators. Urbana, Ill.: NCTE. 1980, 13-32. (S=CE, 47 (1985), 121.)

_____  "Unskilled Writers as Composers." New York University Education Quarterly. 10 (1979), 17-25. [S=Eight Approaches, 152.]

Petrosky, Anthony R., and James R. Brozick. "A Model for Teaching Writing Based Upon Current Knowledge of the Composing Process." EJ, 68  (1979), 96-101. [S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Pfister, Fred and Joanne Petrick. "A Heuristic Model for Creating a Writer's  Audience." CCC, 31 (May 80), 213-220. [S=Writer's Mind, 240.]

Plato, Phaedrus. Trans. W.C. Hembold and W.G. Rabinowitz.  Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1952.

Polyani, Michael. Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy. New York: Harper and Row, 1958.

Ponsot, Marie and Rosemary Deen. Beat Not the Poor Desk. Montclair, N.J.:  Boynton Cook, 1982. (S=The Writer's Mind, 124.)

Purves, Alan C. "The Teacher as Reader: An Anatomy" CE 46 (1984), 259-265. [R]

Reigstad, Thomas J. and Donald A. McAndrew. Training Tutors for Writing Conferences. NCTE, 1984 , 52pp. No. 55065A.

Richards, I.A. Complementarities. (S=Berthoff, MM. 97.)

_____ Design for Escape. (S=Berthoff, MM, 97.)

_____ How to Read a Page. (S=Berthoff, MM, 97.)

_____ Interpretation in Teaching (S=Berthoff, MM,97.)

_____ The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Galaxy ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1965.

_____ So Much Nearer. (S=Berthoff. MM, 97.)

_____ Speculative Instruments. (S=Berthoff, MM, 97.)

_____ Techniques for Language Control. (S=Berthoff, MM, 97.)

Rockas, Leo. Modes of Rhetoric. 1964. (S=WMWG, 198.)

_____ Ways In: Analyzing and Responding to Literature. 1983. (S=WMWG,  198.)

Rogers, Carl R. On Becoming a Person. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.

Rose, Mike. Writer's Block: The Cognitive Dimension. Carbondale: Southern  Illinois UP, 1983. (S=CE, 47 (1985), 121.)

Rothenberg, Albert. "Creative Contradiction." Psychology Today. June, 1979,  55-62.

Rothkopf, Ernst Z. "The Concept of Mathemagenic Activity." Review of Educational Research, 40 (1970), 325-335. [S=Eight Approaches, 157.]

Sale, Roger. On Writing. 1970. (S=WMWG, 343.)

Scott, Patrick and Castner, Bruce, "Reference Sources for Composition Research: A Practical Survey," College English 45 (1983), 756-768. [A Bibliography of bibliographies.]

Searle, John R. Speech Acts: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language. London: Cambridge UP, 1969.

Shaughnessy, Mina. "Basic Writing." In Teaching Composition: 10  Bibliographical Essays. Ed. Gary Tate, Fort Worth, Tex.:Texas Christian UP, 1976, 137-167.

_____ Errors and Expectations: A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.[H, R, N7, a "MUST READ"]

Smith, Frank. Writing and the Writer. NY: Holt, Rinehart. 1982. [R, N7

Sommers, Nancy I. "The Need for Theory in Composition Research." CCC, 30  (Feb, 1979), 46-49. [S=The Writer's Mind, 51. ]

_____ "Revision Strategies of Student Writers and Experienced Adult R Writers." CCC 31 (Dec 80):378-388. [HX,R]

Squire, James R. and Roger K. Applebee. High School English Instruction Today  New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1968.

Stanford, Gene, ed. How to Handle the Paper Load (Classroom Practices in Teaching English 1979-1980). Urbana, Ill.: NCTE, 1979.

Sternglass, Marilyn. Reading, Writing and Reasoning. NY: Macmillan, in press.  (S=The Writer's Mind, 158.)

Sudol, Ronald. Revising: New Essays for Teachers of Writing. Urbana, Ill:   NCTE, 1982.

Tate, Gary, ed. Teaching Composition: Ten Bibliographical Essays. Fort Worth:   Texas Christian University Press, 1976.

_____ Teaching High School Composition. New York: Oxford UP, 1970.

_____ and Edward P.J. Corbett. A Writing Teacher's Sourcebook. New York:   Oxford UP, 1981.

Thaiss, Christopher & Charles Suhor. eds. Speaking & Writing, K - 12. Urbana, NCTE, 1984. [H, R,  N7]

Van Nostrand, A.D. "A New Direction in Teaching Writing." Educational Technology 17 (September 1977):28. (S=The Writer's Mind, 84.)

_____ "Writing and Generation of Knowledge." Social Education,  43 (1979), 178-80. [S=Eight Approaches, 158. ]

Wallas, Graham. The Art of Thought. NY:HBJ, 1926.

Weaver, Richard. "Language is Sermonic," in Rhetoric and Composition, ed.  Richard L. Graves Rochelle Park, N.J.: Hayden Book Company, 1976.  (S=The Writer's Mind, 72.)

Weiss, Robert H. and Michale Peich. "Faculty Attitude Change in a Cross- Disciplinary Writing Workshop, " CCC, 31 (1980), 33-41. [S=Eight Approaches, 158].

_____ "The Humanity of Writing." Improving College and University Teaching, 27 (1979), 144-147. [S=Eight Approaches, 158.]

Whitehead, Alfred North. "The Organization of Thought." In The Aims of Education and Other Essays. NY: Free Press, 1957, 103-119. [HR]

Wiener, Harvey S. "An Open Not a Revolving Door." The London Times Higher Education Supplement, July 13, 1973, p.14. [S=Eight Approaches,156.]

_____ The Writing Room: A Resource Book for Teachers of English. NY: Oxford UP, 1981.

Winterowd, W. Ross, ed. Contemporary Rhetoric: A Conceptual Background with Readings. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1975.

Witte, Stephen P. and Lester Faigley, Evaluating College Writing Programs  Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ Press, 1983. 120 pp. [Review in CE.  46 (1984), 133-136.]

Wolfe, Don Marion. Creative Ways to Teach English. NY: Odyssey, 1966.

_____ "A Realistic Writing Program for Culturally Diverse Youth." In Education of the Disadvantaged. Ed. A. Harry Passow. NY: Holt, 1967, 415-423.

Wresch, William. ed. The Computer in Composition Instruction: A Writer's Tool. NCTE, 1984. [H, R, N7]

Yarnoff, Charles. "Contemporary Theories of Invention in the Rhetorical  Tradition." CE 41 (1980):552-60. [S=TETYC, Dec 84, p.16.]

Young, Richard. "Concepts of Art and the Teaching of Writing." in The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing. ed. James J. Murphy. New York:  MLA, 1982, 130-141. (S=CE, 47 (1985), 124.)

_____, Alton Becker, and Kenneth Pike. Rhetoric, Discovery and Change. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970.[H, R, N7]

Zemelman, Steven. "How College Teachers Encourage Students' Writing." RTE, 11
  (1977), 227-34. [S=Eight Approaches, 158.]

Zinsser, William. On Writing Well: An Informal Guide to Writing Nonfiction  2nd rev. ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1980.

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