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Dr. Ed Vavra
Assoc. Prof. of Rhetoric

Bibliographies Section

Grammar and Style

This bibliography has two basic sections
-- one on general works
the other on studies in the style of specific writers.

General Studies on Style

Alford,  John A. "The Grammatical Metaphor: A Survey of Its Use in the Middle Ages." Speculum, Vol. 57, No. 4. (Oct., 1982), pp. 728-760. [HX; JSTOR]

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this article is the explanation of how grammar was equated with truth (and thus religion). The untranslated Latin makes it difficult to read, but the main points are not that difficult to follow.
Austin, J. L. How To Do Things With Words, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962.

Bailey, Richard W. and Sister Dolores M. Burton. English Stylistics: A Bibliography. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1968.

Bailey, R. W. 'Statistics and style: a historical survey' in Dolezel, L., and Bailey, R. W. Statistics and Style, New York, American Elsevier Publishing Co. 1969, 217-36.

Bally, C. Traite de Stylistique Francaise, 3rd edn, Paris, Klincksieck. 1951.

Banfield, A. 'Narrative style and the grammar of direct and indirect speech', Foundations of Language, 1973; 10, 1-39.

Barthes, R. Mythologies, Paris, Seuil. 1957.

_____. 'Style and its image' in Chatman, S. Literary Style: a symposium, Oxford University Press. 1971, 3-15.

_____. Writing Degree Zero, trans A. Lavers, and C.Smith, Cape. 1967.

Barzun,  J. Simple and Direct, New York, Harper & Row. 1975.

Booth, W. The Rhetoric of Fiction, Chicago University Press. 1961. [H,R]

Bronzwaer,W. J. M., Tense in the Novel, Groningen, Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing Co, 1970.

Burton, D., Dialogue and Discourse, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980.

Cassirer, E. An Essay on Man, New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press. 1944.

Ceci, Louis G. "The Case for Syntactic Imagery." College English. 45 No.5 (Sept, 83) 431-449. 

Chatman, Seymour, ed. Approaches to Poetics, New York, Columbia University Press, 1973.

_____. Literary Style: a symposium, Oxford University Press. 1971.

_____. 'The semantics of style', in Kristeva, J. et al., eds Essays in Semiotics, The Hague, Mouton. 1971, 399-422.

_____. 'The structure of narrative transmission' in Fowler, R. Style and Structure in Literature: essays in the new stylistics, Oxford, Blackwell. 1975, 213-57.

Chapman, Raymond. Linguistics & Literature: An Introduction to Literary Stylistics. London: Edward Arnold, 1973. [R, N7]

Christensen, Francis. Notes Toward a New Rhetoric. 2nd ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1978.  [R; An excellent book.]

Cluysenaar, A. Introduction to Literary Stylistics, Batsford. 1976.

Corbett, Edward P.J. ed. Rhetorical Analyses of Literary Works. NY: Oxford UP, 1969. [H, R, N7]

Crystal, D., and Davy, D., Investigating English Style, Longman, 1969.

Culler, J. Structuralist Poetics, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1975.

Cutler, A. 'Beyond parsing and lexical look-up: an enriched description of auditory sentence comprehension', in Walker, E., and Wales, R., eds New Approaches to Language Mechanisms, Amsterdam, North-Holland..1976, 133-50.

Davis, N. "Styles in English Prose," Actes du 8ieme Congres de la Federation Internationale des Langues et Litteratures Modernes. Liege, 1961. 

Dillon, George L. Comprehending Texts. Bloomington:Indiana UP, 1981.

_____  "Inversions and Deletions in English Poetry," Language  and Style 8 (Summer, 1975), 220-37. 

_____ "Kames and Kiparsky on Syntactic Boundaries," Language and Style  10 (Winter, 1977), 16-22. 

_____ Language Processing and the Reading of Literature: Toward  a Model of Comprehension. Bloomington. Indiana UP, 1978. [R,N7;  Uses traditional terms to analyze difficulties in Faulkner,  Milton, Spencer, James, and Stevens.]

Dolezel, L., and Bailey, R. W. Statistics and Style, New York, American Elsevier Publishing Co. 1969.

Enkvist, Nils Erik.  'On defining style', in Enkvist, N. E., Spencer, J., and Gregory, M. J. Linguistics and Style, Oxford University Press. 1964, 1-56.

_____. Linguistic Stylistics The Hague:Mouton, 1973. 

_____. Spencer, J., and Gregory, M. J. Linguistics and Style, Oxford University Press.1964.

Epstein, E. L. 'The self-reflexive artefact: the function of mimesis in an approach to a theory of value for literature', in Fowler, R. Style and Structure in Literature: essays in the new stylistics, Oxford, Blackwell. 1975, 40-78.

_____.. Language and Style, Methuen. 1978.

Fish, Stanley. "Facts and Fictions: A Reply to Ralph Rader," Critical Inquiry  1 (June, 1975), 883-91. 

_____  "Interpreting the Variorum," Critical Inquiry 2 (Spring,  1976), 465-86. 

_____. 'Literature and the reader: affective stylistics', New Literary History, 1970, 2, 123-62.

_____ Self-Consuming Artifacts. Berkeley: U of Cal Press, 1972. [R]

_____ Surprised by Sin. Berkeley:U of Cal Press, 1971. 

_____ "What is Stylistics and Why are They Saying Such Terrible Things  About It?" in Approaches to Poetics. Seymour Chatman. New York: Columbia UP, 1973. 109-52. 

Fowler, R., and Mercer, P. (1971) 'Criticism and the language of literature: some traditions and trends in Great Britain', in Fowler, R. The Languages of Literature, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1971. 101-23.

_____. ed  Essays on Style and Language, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1966.

_____.  et al Language and Control, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979.

_____. The Languages of Literature, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1971.

_____. Linguistics and the Novel, Methuen.1977.

_____. Style and Structure in Literature: essays in the new stylistics, Oxford, Blackwell. 1975.

Fraser, Russell. "Rationalism and the Discursive Style," Hudson Review, XVIII (Fall, 1965), 376-386. [S= J. Miles, Style, 178] 

Freeman, Donald C. ed. Essays in Modern Stylistics. NY: Methuen, 1981. [R, N7]

_____ . ed. Linguistics & Literary Style. NY: Holt, Rinehart, 1970. [R, N7

Freimark, Vincent. "The Bible and Neo-Classical Views of Style," Journal of English and Germanic Philology, LI (1952), 517-526. [S= J. Miles, Style, 179] 

Frye, N. The Anatomy of Criticism, Princeton N.J., Princeton University Press. 1957. [H, R]

Fuchs, Wilhelm. "On Mathematical Analyses of Style," Biometrica, XXXIX, Nos. 1, 2 (May, 1952), 122-129. [S= J. Miles, Style, 179] 

Garvin, P. L., ed and trans.  A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure and Style, Washington D.C., American University Language Centre.1958.

Ghiselin, B. The Creative Process: a Symposium, New York, New American Library. 1952.

Gibson, Walker. Tough, Sweet, and Stuffy. Bloomington:Indiana UP, 1966.[R; This is a "must read" for anyone interested in syntax and style; on pages 113-136 he argues that left branching structures imply a more organized mind.]

Gutwinski, W. Cohesion in Literary Texts, The Hague, Mouton. 1976.

Hawkes, T. Metaphor, Methuen.1972.

_____. Structuralism and Semiotics, Methuen. 1977.

Hiatt, Mary. Artful Balance: The Parallel Structures of Style. NY: Teachers College Press, 1975. 

Hildick, W. Word for Word: a study of authors' alterations with exercises, London: Faber.1965.

Hough, G. Style and Stylistics, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1969.

Hunt, Kellogg W. "Early Blooming and Late Blooming Syntactic Structures." In Evaluating Writing: Describing, Measuring, Judging. Ed. Charles R.Cooper and Lee Odell. Urbana:NCTE, 1977. 91-106. [HR -- shows that appositives and participles (gerundives) naturally develop in middle or high school, not before ]

Iser, W. The Implied Reader: patterns of communication in prose fiction from Bunyan to Beckett, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. 1974. 

_____. . The Act of Reading: a theory of aesthetic response, Longman. 1978.

Jacobs, R. A., and Rosenbaum, P. S., Transformations, Style and Meaning, Waltham, Mass., and Toronto, Xerox College Publishing, 1971.

Jakobson, R. 'Closing statement: linguistics and poetics', in Sebeok, T .A., ed Style in Language, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press. 1961, 350-77.

Kachru, B. B. and Stahlke, F. W. Current Trends in Stylistics, Edmonton, Alberta, and Champaign, Illinois, Champaign Linguistic Research Inc. 1972.

Kennedy, C. 'Systemic grammar and its use in literary analysis', Journal of the Midlands Association of Linguistic Studies, new series I, (1976) 17-36.

Kenny, Anthony. The Computation of Style: An Introduction to Statistics for Students of Literture and Humanities. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1982. [R, N7 -- not very good]

Koestler, A. The Act of Creation, Hutchinson. 1964.

Kucera, H. and Francis, W. N. Computational Analysis of Present-day American English, Providence, Brown University Press. 1967.

Lawrence, C. 'Speech representation in the seventeenth-century legal deposition with special reference to Pott's Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster', unpublished M.A.
project, University of Lancaster. 1978.

Lee, B. 'The new criticism and the language of poetry' in Fowler, R., ed Essays on Style and Language, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1966, 29-52.

Leech, Geoffrey N. and Svartvik, J. (1975) A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman. 1975.

_____. Explorations in Semantics and Pragmatics, Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

_____. Language and Tact, Linguistic Agency, University of Trier, Series A, paper 46.(1977)

_____. A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry, Longman.1969.

_____. 'Literary criticism and linguistic description', Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters, (1977) 7, I, 2-22.

_____. Semantics, Harmondsworth, Penguin. 1974.

_____. and Michael H. Short. Style in fiction: A linguistic introduction to English fictional prose. London: Longman, 1981.[HR - There are a few interesting comments on individual works, but this is primarily propaganda for linguists.]

_____.  "'This Bread I Break": language and interpretation', Review of English Literature, (1965)  6, 2, 66-75; reprinted in Freeman, D. C. Linguistics and Literary Style, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1970, 119-28.

Levin, H. The Gates of Horn, New York, Oxford University Press.1966.

Levin, S. R. 'Internal and External Deviation in Poetry,' Word, (1965) 21, 225-37.

Lodge, D. Language of Fiction, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1966.

_____. The Novelist at the Crossroads, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1971.

Love, G. A. and Payne, M. Contemporary Essays on Style, Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman.1969.

McHale, B. 'Free indirect discourse: a survey of recent accounts', Poetics and Theory of Literature, (1978) 3, 235-87.

McQuade, Donald. ed. Linguistics, Stylistics, and the Teaching of  Composition. Akron: L&S Books, 1979.

Meyer, B. J. F. The Organisation of Prose and Its Effects on Meaning, Amsterdam, North-Holland. 1975.

Miles, Josephine. Style and Proportion: The Language of Prose and Poetry. Boston: Little, Brown, 1967. [R, N7]

Milic, Style and Stylistics: An Analytical Bibliography. NY: Free Press, 1967.

_____ "Theories of Style and Their Implications for the Teaching of  Composition," CCC, 16 (1965):2-6.

Mukarovsky, J. 'Standard language and poetic language', in Garvin, P. L., ed and trans.  A Prague School Reader on Esthetics, Literary Structure and Style, Washington D.C., American University Language Centre.1958, 17-30; reprinted in Freeman, D. C. Linguistics and Literary Style, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1970, 40-56.

Murray, Middleton. The Problem of Style. London: Oxford UP, 1922. [R, N7]

Ohmann, Richard,  'Generative grammars and the concept of literary style', Word, (1964) 20, 423-39; reprinted in Freeman, D. C. Linguistics and Literary Style, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1970, 258-78.

_____. 'Instrumental style: notes on the theory of speech as action', in Kachru, B. B. and Stahlke, F. W. Current Trends in Stylistics, Edmonton, Alberta, and Champaign, Illinois, Champaign Linguistic Research Inc. 1972, 115-42.

_____. 'Literature as sentences', College English, (1966)  27, 261-67; reprinted in Love, G. A. and Payne, M. Contemporary Essays on Style, Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman.1969, 149-57.

_____. 'Speech, action and style', in Chatman, S., ed. Literary Style: a symposium, Oxford University Press. 1971., 241-54.

_____. 'Speech acts and the definition of literature', Philosophy and Rhetoric, (1971) 4, 1-19.

Page, N. Speech in the English Novel, Longman. 1973.

Pringle, Ian. "Why Teach Style? A Review-Essay," CCC, 34 (1983), 91-98.

Ransom, J. C. 'Poetry: a note on ontology', in Ransom, J. C. The World's Body, New York, C. Scribner's Sons.1938, 111-42.

_____. The World's Body, New York, C. Scribner's Sons.1938.

Read, Herbert. English Prose Style. Boston: Beacon Press, 1952. [R, N7]

Richards, I. A. Practical Criticism, Kegan, Paul & Co. 1929.

Riffaterre, M. Essais de Stylistique Structural, trans D. Delas, Paris, Flammarion. 1971.

Ringbom, H. et al., eds. Style and Text: studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist, Stockholm, Sprakforlaget Skriptor AB and Abo Akademi. 1975.

Schneider, Clarence E. Syntax and Style. San Francisco: Chandler and Sharp, 1974.[H, R, N7;  Includes some good essays. See page 211 for quotation from Churchill on how he learned English style.]

Sebeok, T .A., ed  Style in Language, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press. 1961.

Sibley, F. 'Objectivity and aesthetics', Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supp. 42, (1968) 31-54.

Sinclair, J.  'Lines about lines', in Kachru, B. B. and Stahlke, F. W. Current Trends in Stylistics, Edmonton, Alberta, and Champaign, Illinois, Champaign Linguistic Research Inc. 1972, 251-61.

_____. 'The linguistic basis of style', in Ringbom, H. et al., eds. Style and Text: studies presented to Nils Erik Enkvist, Stockholm, Sprakforlaget Skriptor AB and Abo Akademi. 1975, 75-89.

_____. and Coulthard, M. Towards an Analysis of Discourse, Oxford University Press. 1975.

Spitzer, L. Linguistics and Literary History, Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press.1948. [H,R]

Thorne, J. P. 'Stylistics and generative grammars,' Journal of Linguistics (1965) I, 49-59.

Tuffte, V. Grammar as style. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1971.

Ullmann, S. Meaning and Style, Oxford, Blackwell. 1973.

_____. Style in the French Novel, Oxford University Press. 1957.

Weathers, W. (1980) . An alternate style, Rochelle Park, New Jersey: Hayden Book Company, Inc. 

Widdowson, H. G., Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman. 1975.

Williams, Joseph M  Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity and Grace. Glenview, Ill:   Scott, Foresman, 1981. [H, R, N7; A Classic in the field.]

Wimsatt, W. K. The Prose Style of Samuel Johnson, Yale Studies in English, 94, New Haven and London, Yale University Press. 1941.

Studies in the Style of Specific Authors

Austen, Jane

Lascelles, M. Jane Austen and Her Art, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press. 1965.

Page, N. The Language of Jane Austen, Oxford University Press. 1972.

Conrad, Joseph

Jones, C. 'Varieties of speech presentation in Conrad's The Secret Agent,' Lingua, (1968) 20, 162-76.

Cummings, E.E.

Fairley, Irene R. "Syntax for Seduction: A Reading of Cumming's 'Since   Feeling is First'." Language and Literature, Vol IX, 1984.

Dickens, Charles

Brook, G. L.  The Language of Dickens, Deutsch. 1970.

Gregory, M. 'Old Bailey speech in A Tale of Two Cities', Review of English Literature, 1965; 6, 42-55.

Quirk, R. Charles Dickens and Appropriate Language, Durham, University of Durham Press. 1959.


Aiken, Conrad, "William Faulkner: The Novel as Form," in William  Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism, Frederick J. Hoffman and  Olga W. Vickery, eds. (East Lansing:Michigan State UP, 1960),  135-41. 

Beck, Warren. "William Faulkner's Style," in William Faulkner: Three  Decades of Criticism. Frederick J. Hoffman and Olga W. Vickery,  eds. (East Lansing: Michigan State UP, 1960), 142-55. 

Slatoff, Walter. "The Edge of Order: The Pattern of Faulkner's  Rhetoric," Twentieth Century Literature 3 (Oct 1957), 107-127. 

 Zoellner, Robert H. " Faulkner's Prose Style in Absalom, Absalom!," American Literature 30 (1959), 427-50.


McDowell, A. 'Fielding's rendering of speech in Joseph Andrews and Tom Jones', Language and Style, (1973)  6, 83-96.

Golding, William

Halliday, M. A. K. 'Linguistic function and literary style: an inquiry into William Golding's The Inheritors', in Chatman, S., ed. Literary Style: a symposium, Oxford University Press. 1971, 330-65.

Lee, D. A., 'The Inheritors and transformational generative grammar', Language and Style, 9, 2, (1976), 77-97.


Lodge, D. 'Hemingway's clean, well-lighted, puzzling place' Essays in Criticism, (1970) 21, 33-56; reprinted in Lodge, D. The Novelist at the Crossroads, Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1971, 184-202.

James, Henry

Chatman, Seymour, The Later Style of Henry James. Oxford: Blackwell,  1972. 

Menikoff, Barry. "Punctuation and Point of View in the Late Style of  Henry James," Style 4 (1970): 29-47. 

Short, R.W. "The Sentence Structure of Henry James," American  Literature 18 (1946): 71-88. 

Tompkins, Jane P. "'The Beast in the Jungle': An Analysis of James's  Late Style," Modern Fiction Studies 16 (1970): 185-91. 

Watt, Ian. 'The first paragraph of The Ambassadors': an explication', Essays in Criticism, (1960) 10, 250-74; reprinted in Love, G. A. and Payne, M. Contemporary Essays on Style, Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman.1969, 266-83.

Joyce, James

Burgess, A. Joysprick: an introduction to the language of James Joyce, Deutsch. 1973.


Patterson, Annabel M. "How to load . . . and bend': Syntax and   Interpretation in Keats's 'To Autumn,'" PMLA 94 (1979), 449-458. 

Mansfield, Katherine

Bateson, F. W. and Shakevitch, B. 'Katherine Mansfield's The Fly: a critical exercise', Essays in Criticism, 1962. 12, 39-53.


Chatman, Seymour. "Milton's Participial Style," PMLA 83 (Oct. 1968),1386-99. 

Emma, Ronald. Milton's Syntax. The Hague:Mouton. 1964. 


Abbott, E.A. A Shakespearian Grammar (1870); rpt. New York: Dover  Publications, 1966. 

Booth, Stephen. An Essay on Shakespeare's Sonnets. New Haven. Yale UP, 1969. 


Alpers, Paul. The Poetry of The Faerie Queene. Princeton. Princeton  UP., 1967. 

Sugden, Herbert. The Grammar of Spencer's Faerie Queene. Linguistic  Society of America, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1936. 

Stevens, Wallace

Vendler, Helen H. On Extended Wings (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard UP,  1969). 

Swift, Jonathan

Corbett, E. P. J. 'A method of analyzing prose style with a demonstration analysis of Swift's A Modest Proposal', in Love, G. A. and Payne, M. Contemporary Essays on Style, Glenview, Illinois, Scott Foresman.1969, 81-98.

Milic, Louis J.A Quantitative Approach to the Style of Jonathan Swift, The Hague, Mouton & Co. 1967.

Woolf, Virginia

Leaska, M. A. Virginia Woolf's Lighthouse: a study in critical method, Hogarth Press.1970.

Yeats, William Butler

Adams, Joseph. Yeats and the Masks of Syntax. NY: Columbia UP, 1984. [R, N7]

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