For centuries, traditional grammar served well as an instructional tool. The history of that grammar, and the reasons for its eventual failure are beyond the scope of this book. But rather than just dismissing traditional grammar, as some linguists would have us do, we should first reexamine it to see if and how it can be modified to meet the needs of current school children. KISS Grammar applies some basic concepts of modern linguistics to simplify traditional grammar while simultaneously increasing its analytical power.
The Nature of KISS Definitions
The very concept of "definition" is slippery. In Understanding Grammar, Paul Roberts, my favorite grammarian, discusses the "Three Bases of Definition":
Some confusion and argument can be avoided if we understand the bases of our definitions. There are at least three possible bases, which will be called in this book the formal, the syntactic, and the notional. By formal definition we shall mean definition based on form -- sounds in the spoken language, spelling in the written. By syntactic definition we shall mean definition based on syntax -- the relation of words to other words in the sentence. By notional definition we shall mean definition based on our understanding of the relationship of words to the actual, real-world phenomena represented by the words.This passage raises two important points. First, there are at least three fundamental perspectives towards grammatical definitions -- formal, syntactic, and notional. Second, which perspective a grammarian takes depends on "circumstances" and "temperament." Grammatical definitions, in other words, are affected by a grammarian's purpose (circumstances) and by his or her fundamental philosophical beliefs (temperament). There are, in still other words, as many different grammars as there are grammarians. This leaves us with the question of which grammar should we teach, and which type of definition (formal, syntactic, notional) should we base it on.
For illustration, let us make three brief and incomplete definitions of noun:
Formal: A noun is a word that forms a plural in -s.
Syntactic: A noun is a word that may serve as subject of a verb.
Notional: A noun is the name of a person, place, or thing.
Obviously none of these adequately defines noun, but each of them might be expanded and qualified so as to approach adequacy. Grammarians use sometimes one kind of definition and sometimes another, and sometimes a combination, as circumstances require or as their temperament leads them. (10-11)
The Eight Parts of Speech
Having spent some time on definitions, I need to point out that KISS does not treat the eight parts of speech in the same way that traditional grammar does. In the first place, KISS does not start with the parts of speech. Whereas most traditional approaches begin by defining the parts, KISS begins with the prepositional phrase and introduces other parts as needed. Second, traditional grammar assumes that the students' heads are empty. Thus it goes to great lengths attempting to define things that students already know. An ideal KISS Approach, for example, needs only very simple "syntactic" definitions of "adjective" and "adverb" -- If a word modifies a noun or a pronoun, it functions as an adjective, and thus KISS calls it an adjective. If it modifies a verb, adverb, or adjective, it is an adverb. Given the sentence "The bent old man walked slowly," students already know that "The," "bent" and "old" chunk to (modify) "man." They also know that "slowly" modifies "walked." Students will, of course, have to learn to identify nouns and verbs, but they do not need to learn that, for example, "Adverbs usually end in -ly."
A Note about Pronouns
Because pronouns function as nouns, they receive very little attention in The KISS Approach. Much of what is often taught about them can probably be junked. Does it help students in any way to know that pronouns x, y, and z are considered, by many grammarians to be "relative pronouns"? The one exception to this are the personal pronouns, first, second, and third. In many fields (human services, engineering, etc.) first person ("I," "me," "we," etc.) is prohibited by custom. Instructors in these fields simply tell students not to use first person. When the students, because they don't understand the term, use first person, they either get their papers back to rewrite, or they lose points. And even within our own discipline, we refer to first- and third-person narrators. Most of my college Freshmen have no idea what "person" means as a grammatical concept. Perhaps by trying to teach too many concepts, we have failed to effectively teach those that are meaningful and useful to our students.
Nexus and Modification -- The Simplicity of English Sentence Structure
All babies are geniuses.
As very young children, we all taught ourselves our native language --
no one could have taught it to us, because we couldn't have understood
them before we first understood the language. Pure genius! On the other
hand, most of us (myself included) are not really very bright. There has
to be something about language that makes it relatively easy to learn.
There have to be a few basic principles that the child comes to understand
(unconsciously) and then uses to develop an ever-expanding command of language.
Although he was not looking at them from this perspective, in The Philosophy
of Grammar, Otto Jespersen suggests two such principles. He calls
them "nexus" and "junction," and, like most grammarians, he gets into some
very complex discussions of them. Those complexities, however, tend to
obscure the important basic principle. His concept of "junction" is very
close to the traditional "modification," and thus, within KISS, we call
the concepts "nexus" and "modification."
Nexus is the driving force
of sentence structure. Having finished one sentence, readers expect to
find a subject in the next sentence. Then they expect to find a finite
verb. Depending on the meaning of the verb, they then expect to find a
complement. This set of expectations gives English its basic sentence pattern:
Subject / Finite Verb / Optional Complement. Nexus is the relationship
between the parts of this pattern. Note that the pattern is, in fact, established
on readers' expectations. If one of the preceding sentences had suddenly
In the first two examples, "won" is at the center of a nexal pattern, the words in which can stand as acceptable sentences: "Mara won the race." "Mara had won the race." In the last two, however, the words in the nexal patterns that revolve around "win" can not stand as acceptable sentences. Both "Mara win the race." and "Mara winning the race" are nexal (S/V/C) patterns, but neither, by itself, forms an acceptable English sentence.1. Mara won the race.
2. He knew that Mara had won the race.
3. He saw Mara win the race.
4. He saw Mara winning the race.
The first two examples each consist of two clauses, but in neither case does the embedded clause fill a slot in the main S/V/C pattern. In the first example, the embedded clause ["that burned down"] functions as an adjective modifying "house." In the second example, the embedded clause ["because he wanted the insurance money"] explains why he burned it, and thus functions as an adverb to "burned." Thus, in addition to filling "noun" slots, clauses can function as modifiers.1. The house that burned down was old.
2. He burned the house because he wanted the insurance money.
3. Rushing to the fire, a fireman was hurt.
4. He burned the house to get the insurance money.
1. Nexal (S/V/C) patterns form the core of English sentence structure.The question, of course, is how do we teach students to expand on these concepts such that they can analyze and discuss any sentence that they read or write.
2. The words in those patterns are usually modified by adjectives and/or adverbs.
3. Nexal patterns (clauses or verbals) can be embedded in other nexal patterns, either in noun slots, or as modifiers.
Two KISS Concepts -- Compounding and Ellipsis
Most traditional grammar
texts focus on constructions rather than on concepts. As a result they
make the concept of compounding confusing. Under subjects, they
present compound subjects; under verbs, they present compound verbs; under
direct objects, they present compound direct objects; under clauses, they
present compound clauses. Such duplication reflects an anatomical focus
on "that" rather than "how" knowledge. But it also implies that some constructions
can be compounded and others cannot be. It thus adds to students' confusion.
Compounding should be taught once, as a concept. After that, students should
be told "Theoretically, any grammatical construction can be compounded.
Keep your eyes open." Suppose, for example, that compounding is taught
in the context of prepositional phrases ("with Sue and Sarah"). After that,
students are more than intelligent enough to be able to recognize compound
subjects, verbs, clauses or whatever other compounds they run across.
Whereas traditional
texts overemphasize compounding, they tend to ignore ellipsis. Ellipsis
(the omission of understood words) is an extremely important and helpful
concept if one is going to discuss randomly selected sentences from real
texts. Traditional grammars probably miss this because, like the Latin
grammars on which they are based, they focus on individual words. This
works for Latin, but not for English. (For more on this, see "A History
of Pedagogical Grammars" in TGLA on the KISS web site.) Ellipsis
explains such things as the omission of subjects in commands -- "*You*
close the door." (My students suggested denoting ellipsed words by
putting asterisks around them.)
One of my favorite
examples of ellipsis is "Put on your thinking
cap." Clearly this does not mean "Put ?something? {on your thinking cap.}"
Rather, it means "Put your thinking cap {on *your head.*}" Sometimes
the object is ellipsed because it is assumed to be understood, as in this
passage from Aesop's Fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper: "An Ant passed
{by *him*,} bearing along with great toil an ear of corn ...." In
prepositional phrases with compound objects, it is often easier for students
to visualize the analyzed sentence if they insert an "ellipsed" preposition:
"{With its head} {in the sand,} and {*with* its tail} {in the air,}
an ostrich must look rather silly."
As noted above ("Close
the door."), "you" is ellipsed in subjects. When a verb phrase repeats
a preceding one, part of the second verb and the complement are ellipsed
by mature writers: "You did not complete the job as well as he did *complete
the job.* When an entire verb phrase repeats the preceding one, it can
be ellipsed. In this case, it is usually replaced by a comma: "The sky
is blue; the grass, green."
As they progress through
the KISS levels, some students like to use ellipsis to create a better
alignment between their explanations and the meaning of the sentence. Consider
again the sentence "{With its head} {in the sand,} and {*with* its
tail} {in the air,} an ostrich must look rather silly." At KISS Level Five,
when they learn to deal with noun absolutes, some students will look at
that sentence and complain that "In the sand" does not modify "head" and
"In the air" does not modify "tail." Instead, these two phrases tell where
the head and tail are. To make the phrases adverbial, the students will
add an ellipsed "being" -- "{With its head} *being*{in the sand,} and
{*with* its tail}} *being* {in the air,} an ostrich must look rather silly."
If our objective is to get students to think about the relationships between
syntax and meaning, ellipsis is an important concept.
The Constructions of KISS Grammar
Whereas this chapter has
been concerned with the principles and concepts of KISS Grammar, Part Four
examines all the specific constructions, all the tools of KISS grammar.
Studying these tools, in and of themselves, will not help anyone. A carpenter
can lay out all his tools and explain them to you a thousand times, but
you will still not be able to use them to build a doghouse. Most of those
tools you will not need in order to build a doghouse. Studying them will
be a waste of time. And as for the tools that you will need, to use them
well, you would need to take them, one at a time, and practice with them.
Such practice is the essence of the KISS Approach. Students do not need
the massive grammar textbooks that most of them currently are required
to use. Instead of studying grammar textbooks, students would profit much
more by analyzing and discussing randomly selected short passages from
a variety of sources -- newspapers, textbooks, literature, and, most important
of all, their own writing.
Some grammarians and
linguists will argue that KISS Grammar "leaks" -- that there are some constructions
or sentences that the grammar cannot explain. But that is true of every
grammar, and, to my knowledge, no other approach to grammar even claims
to enable students to analyze their own writing. Demonstrating the explanatory
power of KISS grammar requires the analysis of numerous texts. Such a demonstration
is impractical within this book, but there are dozens of randomly selected,
analyzed passages on the KISS web site.