
Glencoe English/

Recognizing and Using Verbs P. 262/








Bottle©nose dolphins |||||||| in warm ocean waters.

They usually |||||||||| within 100 miles of land.


Read the unfinished sentences. One word is missing from thepredicate of each sentence.


Finish each sentence. Add a word in the blank.




The words you added, and others like them, are called verbs. The verb is a word that tells what happens or tells what is.

Most verbs tell what happens. They are called action verbs.

Every sentence must have a verb in it. The verb is alwayspart of the sentence predicate. Sometimes, the verb is the onlyword in the predicate.

Every verb has more than one form. Different forms of averb are used to show differences in time.


Add a verb to finish each sentence.


1. Baby dolphins |||||||| milk.

2. Dolphins ||||||||| lungs, not gills.

3. Some dolphins |||||||| fifty years.

4. Sharks |||||||||| dolphins.

5. Dolphins ||||||||| in family groups.

6. Dolphins |||||||||| together.

7. Many people ||||||||| dolphins.


What is the verb in each sentence?


1. We call baby dolphins calves.

2. Many dolphins play with humans.

3. Dolphins communicate with each other.

4. Scientists study dolphins.




Practicing Language Skills


Add a verb to finish each sentence. Write the sentences youmake.


1. Common dolphins |||||||| a dark band around their eyes.Üj�Ü 2. Mr. Delgado once ||||||| a family of common dolphins.

3. They ||||||||| his fishing boat far out to sea.

4. The people on the boat |||||||| the dolphins.

5. The dolphins ||||||||| somersaults in the air.

6. The passengers ||||||||| the dolphin's performance.

7. Other fish ||||||||| past.


Read these sentences. Write the verb from each sentence.