

The Eagle/





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/-/The eagle seems to enjoy*D1 a kind (of supremacy )(over

the rest )(of the inhabitants )(of the air. )/-/Such is*A1 the

loftiness (of his flight, )[ARthat he often soars*- (in the sky

)(beyond the reach )(of the naked eye, )]/C/and such is*A1 his

strength [ARthat he has been known*P1 to carry=IRO071 away

children (in his talons. )]/c/But many (of the noble qualities

)imputed=P--03 (to him )are*A1 rather fanciful (than true. )/-/He

has been described*P (as showing=GOP211 )a lofty independence,

[JRwhich makes*D1I him disdain=IDO1411 to feed=IDO120 (on

anything )[JRthat is not slain*P (by his own strength. )]]/c/But

Alexander Wilson, the great naturalist,=A--03 says*D1 [DOthat he

has seen*D1 an eagle feasting=SDO090 (on the carcass )(of a

horse. )]/-/The eagle lives*- (to a great age. )/-/One (at

Vienna )is stated*P1 to have died=IRO120 (after a confinement

)(of one hundred and four years. )/-/There are*N1 several species

(of the eagle. )/-/The golden eagle, [JMwhich is*N1 one (of the

largest, )]is*A1 nearly four feet (from the point )(of the beak

)(to the end )(of the tail. )/-/He is found*P (in most parts )(of

Europe, )and is also met*P with (in America. )/-/High rocks and

ruined and lonely towers are*N1 the places [JRwhich he chooses*D1

(for his abode. )]/-/His nest is composed*P (of sticks and

rushes. )/-/The tail feathers are highly valued*P (as ornaments

)(by the American Indians. )/-/The most interesting species is*N1

the bald eagle, [ARas this is*N2 an American bird, and the

adopted=P--01 emblem (of our country. )]/-/He lives*- chiefly

(upon fish, )and is found*P (in the neighborhood )(of the sea,

)and (along the shores and cliffs )(of our large lakes and

rivers. )!!!!!!!!