

32. Circumstances alter Cases





Dialogue between Derby and Scrapewell -- names omitted p89/




/F/Good*E morning, neighbor Scrapewell.=D--02 /-/I have*D

half a dozen miles=U--04 to ride=IDO07 to-day, and shall be

extremely obliged*P [ARif you will lend*D me your gray mare. ]/-

/It would give*DO me great pleasure to oblige=IDS031 you, friend

Derby;=D--02 /C/but I am*-1P (under the necessity )(of

going=GOP120 )(to the mill )this very morning,=U--03 (with a bag

)(of corn. )/-/My wife wants*D the meal to-day, /C/and you

know*D [DOwhat a time there'll be*N1 [ARif I disappoint*D1 her.

]]/-/Then she must want*D1 it still, [ARfor I can assure*D1 you

[DOthe mill does not go*- to-day. ]]/-/I heard*D1 the miller

tell=IDO111 Will Davis [DOthat the water was*A1 too low. ]/-/You

don't say*D1 so! /-/That is*A1 bad, indeed; /C/for (in that case

)I shall be obliged*R1 to gallop=IRO080 off (to town )(for the

meal. )/-/My wife would comb*D1 my head (for me )[ARif I should

neglect*D1 it. ]/-/I can save*D1 you this journey, [ARfor I

have*D1 plenty (of meal )(at home, )and will lend*D1 your wife as

much [ARas she wants.*D0 ]]/-/Ah! neighbor Derby,=D--02 I am

sure*D1 [DOyour meal would never suit*D1 my wife. ]/-/You can't

conceive*D1 [DOhow whimsical she is.*A1 ]/-/[ALIf she were*A1 ten

times=U--02 more whimsical [ARthan she is,*A0 ]]I am certain*D1

[DOshe would like*D1 it; ]/C/for you sold*D1 it (to me

)yourself,=AEM01 /C/and you assured*D1 me [DOit was*N1 the best

[JRyou ever had.*D0 ]]/-/Yes, yes! that's*A1 true, indeed; /C/I

always have*D1 the best (of everything. )/-/You know,*D1

neighbor Derby,=D--02 [DOthat no one is*A1 more ready to

oblige=IAV071 a friend [ARthan I am;*A0 ]]/C/but I must tell*D1

you [DOthe mare this morning=U--02 refused*D1 to eat=IRO031 hay;

]/C/and, truly, I am afraid*D1 [DOshe will not carry*D1 you.
