37. Susie's Composition/
/-/Suzie Smith came*- home=U--01 (from school )one day,=U--
02 and had no sooner entered*D1 the sitting room [ARthan she
burst*- (into tears. )]/-/[DO"What is*N1 the matter, my dear
child?"=D--03 ]said*D1 her mother, drawing=P--061 her daughter
(to her side )and smiling.=P--02 /-/"O mother,=D--02 matter
enough," sobbed*D1 Susie. /-/"All our class must bring in*D1
compositions to-morrow morning,=U--01 /C/and I never, never can
write*D1 one. /-/We must write*D1 twelve lines (at least,
)/C/and I have written*D1 only a few words (after trying=GOP050
)nearly all the afternoon.=U--04 /-/See*D1 [DOwhat work I have
made*D1 (of it!" )]/-/Mrs. Smith took*D1 the rumpled,=P--01 tear-
stained paper [JRwhich Susie held*D1 (in her hand, )]and
glanced*- (at [OPwhat )she had written.*D1 ]/-/(In a careful
hand )she had tried*D1 to write=IDO090 (upon three themes:
)"Time,"=A--01 "Temperance,"=A--01 and "Industry."=A--01 /-/"Time
is*A1 short. /-/We should all improve*D1 our time." /-
/"Temperance is*N1 a very useful thing." /-/"We should all be*A1
industrious [ARif we wish*D1 to do=IDO061 anything (in the
world." )]/-/These sentences were*N1 all [JRshe had written.*D0
]/-/"Now," said*D1 Susie, [DO"I can't think*- (of another word
)to say=IAJ070 (upon any )(of these subjects, )]/C/and I know*D1
[DOI shall have to go*- (to school )(without a compopsition,
)[ARfor I won't be*A1 so mean as to copy=IAV061 one (from a book,
)or to ask=IAV111 you or papa to write=IDO081 one (for me." )]]/-
/[DO"That is*A1 right, my dear,"=D--02 ]said*D1 her mother. /-
/"You will be*A1 far happier (with a poor composition, )[ARif it
is*N1 all your own, ]than (with a fine one )written=P--040 (by
somebody else. )/c/But cheer*- up. !!!!!!!!