61 The Lost Child/
p 165/
/-/A few years=U--03 since, a child was lost*P (in the
woods. )/-/He was out (with his brothers and sisters
)gathering*D1 berries, and was accidentally separated*P (from
them, )and lost.*P /-/The children, (after looking=GOP120 )(in
vain )(for some time )(in search )(of the little wanderer,
)returned,*- just (in the dusk )(of the evening, )to
inform=IAV142 their parents [DOthat their brother was lost*P and
could not be found.*P ]/-/The woods, (at that time, )were*A1 full
(of bears. )/-/The darkness (of a cloudy night )was rapidly
coming*- on, /C/and the alarmed=P--01 father, gathering=P061 a
few (of his neighbors, )hastened*- (in search )(of the lost=P--01
child. )/-/The mother remained*- (at home, )almost distracted=P-
-04 (with suspense. )/-/[ALAs the clouds gathered,*- ]and [ALthe
darkness increased,*- ]the father and the neighbors, (with highly
excited=P--02 fears, )traversed*D1 the woods (in all directions,
)and raised*D1 loud shouts to attract=IAV071 the attention (of
the child. )/c/But their search was*-1P (in vain. )/-/They
could find*D1 no trace (of the wanderer; )/C/and, [ALas they
stood*- (under the boughs )(of the lofty trees, )and listened,*-
[ARthat [ALif*E possible ]they might hear*D1 his feeble voice,
]]no sound was borne*P (to their ears )(but the melancholy
moaning )(of the wind )[ARas it swept*- (through the thick
branches )(of the forest. )]/-/The gathering=P--01 clouds
threatened*D1 an approaching=P--01 storm, /C/and the deep
darkness (of the night )had already enveloped*D1 them. /-/It
is*A1 difficult to conceive=IDS091 [DOwhat were*N1 the feelings
(of that father. )]/c/And who could imagine*D1 [DOhow deep*E the
distress [JRwhich filled*D1 the bosom (of that mother, )[ARas she
heard*D1 the wind, and beheld*D1 the darkness [JR(in which )her
child was wandering!*- ]]]]!!!!!!!!