67 Dare to do Right/
p 183/
/-/The little schoolboys went*- quietly (to their own beds,
)and began*D2 undressing=GDO010 and talking=GDO0080 (to one
another )(in whispers: )/f/[ARwhile the elder, [JM(amongst whom
)was*-1P Tom, ]sat*- chatting=P--120 about (on one another's
beds, )(with their jackets and waistcoats off. )]/-/Poor little
Arthur was overwhelmed*P (with the novelty )(of his position.
)/-/The idea (of sleeping=GOP010 )(in the room )(with strange
boys )had clearly never crossed*D1 his mind before, and was*A1 as
painful [ARas it was*A1 strange (to him. )]/-/He could hardly
bear*D1 to take=IDO051 his jacket off; /C/however, presently,
(with an effort, )off it came,*- /C/and then he paused*- and
looked at*D1 Tom, [JRwho was sitting*- (at the bottom )(of his
bed, )talking=P--01 and laughing.=P--02 ]/-/"Please, Brown,"=D--
01 [IJhe whispered,*D1 ]"may I wash*D2 my face and hands?" /-
/("Of course, )[DOif you like,"*D0 ]said*D1 Tom, staring:=P--01
/C/"that's*N1 your wash-hand stand (under the window, )second
(from your bed. )/-/You'll have to go*- down (for more water
)(in the morning )[ARif you use*D1 it all." ]/c/And on he went*-
(with his talk, )[ARwhile Arthur stole*- timidly (from between
the beds )(out to his wash-hand stand, )and began*D1 his
ablutions, thereby drawing=P--121 (for a moment )(on himself )the
attention (of the room. )]/-/On went*- the talking and laughter.
/-/Arthur finished*D2 his washing=GDO020 and undressing,=GDO020
and put on*D1 his nightgown. /-/He then looked*- round more
nervously than ever. /-/Two or three (of the little boys )were*-
1P already (in bed, )sitting=P--080 up (with their chins )(on
their knees. )/-/The light burned*A1 clear, /S/the noise went*-
on. !!!!!!!!