
T B/

76 Rivermouth Theater/





p 213/




/-/[DO"Now, boys=D--02, what shall we do?"*D1 ]I asked,*D1

addressing=P--141 a thoughtful conclave (of seven, )assembled=P--

080 (in our barn )one dismal, rainy afternoon.=U--04 /-

/[DO"Let's*D1 have=IDO031 a theater," ]suggested*D1 Binny

Wallace. /F/*EThe very thing! /F/*EBut where? /-/The loft (of

the stable )was*A1 ready to burst=IAJ070 (with hay )provided=P--

03 (for Gypsy, )/C/but the long room (over the carriage house

)was*A1 unoccupied. /F/*EThe place (of all places! )/-/My

managerial eye saw*D1 (at a glance )its capabilities (for a

theater. )/-/I had been*- (to the play )a great many times=U--04

(in New Orleans, )and was*A1 wise (in matters )pertaining=P--04

(to the drama. )/C/So here, (in due time, )was set up*P some

extraordinary scenery (of my own painting. )/-/The curtain, [IJI

recollect,*D0 ][AMthough it worked*- smoothly enough (on other

occasions, )]invariably hitched*- (during the performances. )/-

/The theater, however, was*N1 a success, as far [ARas it went.*-

]/-/I retired*- (from the business )(with no fewer )(than fifteen

hundred pins, )(after deducting=GOP161 )the headless, the

pointless, and the crooked=P--01 pins [JR(with which )our

doorkeeper frequently got "stuck."*P ]/-/(From first )(to last

)we took in*D1 a great deal (of this counterfeit money. )/-/The

price (of admission )(to the "Rivermouth Theater" )was*N1 twenty

pins. /-/I played*D1 all the principal characters myself,--

=AEM01 [ARnot that I was*N1 a finer actor (than the other boys,

)]but [ARbecause I owned*D1 the establishment. ]/-/(At the tenth

representation, )my dramatic career was brought*P (to a close

)(by an unfortunate circumstance. )/-/We were playing*D1 the

drama (of "William Tell, )The Hero=A--04 (of Switzerland." )/-

/(Of course, )I was*N1 William Tell, (in spite )(of Fred Langdon,

)[JRwho wanted*D1 to act=IDO051 that character himself.=AEM01 ]!!!!!!!!