81 Burning the Fallow/
p 227/
/-/The day was*A1 sultry, /C/and (towards noon )a strong
wind sprang*- up [JRthat roared*- (in the pine tops )(like the
dashing )(of distant billows, )but (without (in the least degree
abating=GOP031 )the heat. ]/-/The children were lying*-
listlessly (upon the floor, )/C/and the girl and I were
finishing*D1 sunbonnets, [ARwhen Mary suddenly exclaimed,*D1
]"Bless us, mistress,=D--01 what a smoke!" /-/I ran*- immediately
(to the door, )but was*A1 not able to distinguish=IAV060 ten
yards=U--02 (before me. )/-/The swamp immediately (below us
)was*-1P (on fire, )/C/and the heavy wind was driving*D1 a dense
black cloud (of smoke )directly (towards us. )/-/[DO"What can
this mean?"*D1 ]I cried.*D1 /-/"Who can have set*D1 fire (to the
fallow?" )/-/[ALAs I ceased*D1 speaking,=GDO010 ]John Thomas
stood*A2 pale and trembling=P--02 (before me. )/-/"John,=D--01
what is*N1 the meaning (of this fire?" )/-/"Oh, ma'am,=D--01 I
hope*D1 [DOyou will forgive*D1 me; ]/C/it was*N1 I [DSset*D1 fire
(to it, )]/C/and I would give*D1 all [JRI have*D0 (in the world
)][ARif I had not done*D1 it." ]/-/"What is*N1 the danger?" /-
/"[DOOh, I'm*A1 afraid [ARthat we shall all be burnt*P up,"
]]said*D1 John, beginning=P--031 to whimper.=IDO020 /-/"What
shall we do?"*D1 /-/"Why, we must get*- (out of it )as fast [ARas
we can,*- ]and leave*D1 the house (to its fate." )/-/[DO"We can't
get*- out," ]said*D1 the man, (in a low, hollow tone, )[JRwhich
seemed*N1 the concentration (of fear; )]/C/"I would have got*-
(out of it )[ARif I could;*- ]/C/but just step*- (to the back
door, )ma'am,=D--01 and see."*D0 /-/"(Behind, before, on every
side, )we were surrounded*P (by a wall )(of fire, )burning=P--080
furiously (within a hundred yards )(of us, )and cutting=P--071
off all possibility (of retreat;... )!!!!!!!!