85 Brandywine Ford/
p 239/
/-/The black, dreary night, seemed*A1 interminable. /-/He
could only guess,*- here and there, (at a landmark, )and was
forced*P to rely=IRO160 more (upon Roger's instinct )(of the road
)than (upon the guidance )(of his senses. )/-/(Toward midnight,
)[ALas he judged,*- (by the solitary crow )(of a cock, )]the rain
almost entirely ceased.*- /-/The wind began*D1 to blow=IDO052
sharp and keen, /C/*Eand the hard vault (of the sky )to
lift=IDO040 a little.=U--02 /-/He fancied*D1 [DOthat the hills
(on his right )had fallen*- away, ]and [DOthat the horizon was
suddenly depressed*P (towards the north. )]/-/Roger's feet
began*D1 to splash=IDO060 (in constantly deepening=P--01 water,
)/C/and presently a roar, distinct (from that )(of the wind,
)filled*D1 the air. /-/It was*N1 the Brandywine. /-/The stream
had overflowed*D1 its broad meadow bottoms, and was running*A2
high and fierce (beyond its main channel. )/-/The turbid waters
made*D1 a dim, dusky gleam (around him; )/C/soon the fences
disappeared,*- /C/and the flood reached*- (to his horse's body.
)/c/But he knew*D1 [DOthat the ford could be distinguished*P (by
the break )(in the fringe )(of timber; )]moreover, [DOthat the
creek bank was*A1 a little higher (than the meadows )(behind it,
)]/C/and so far, (at least, )he might venture.*- /-/The ford
was*A1 not more (than twenty yards )across, /C/and he could
trust*D1 Roger to swim=IDO050 that distance.=U--02 /-/The
faithful animal pressed*- bravely on, /C/but Gilbert soon
noticed*D1 [DOthat he seemed*-1P (at fault. )]/-/The swift water
had forced*D1 him (out of the road, )/C/and he stopped*- (from
time )(to time, )[ARas if*E2 anxious and uneasy. ]!!!!!!!!