

The Lion/





p 69/




/-/The lion is often called*P1 the "king (of beasts." )/-

/His height varies*- (from three )(to four feet, )/C/and he is*A1

(from six )(to nine feet )long. /-/His coat is*-1P (of a

yellowish brown or tawny color, )/C/and (about his neck )is*-1P a

great shaggy mane [JRwhich gives*D1 his head a majestic

appearance. ]/-/The strength (of the lion )is*A1 so great [ARthat

he can easily crush*D1 the skulls (of such animals )(as the horse

or ox )(with one blow )(of his paw. )]/-/No one [JMwho has not

seen*D1 the teeth (of a full grown lion )taken out=P--050 (of

their sockets )]can have*D1 any idea (of their real size; )/C/one

(of them )forms*N1 a good handful, and might easily be mistaken*P

(for a small elephant's tooth. )/-/The home (of the lion )is*-1P

(in the forests )(of Asia and Africa, )[JRwhere he is*N1 a terror

(to man and beast. )]/-/He generally lies concealed*P (during

the day, )/C/but [ALas darkness comes*- on ]he prowls*- about

[ARwhere other animals are accustomed*P1 to go=IRO060 (for food

or drink, )]and springs*- (upon them )unawares, (with a roar

)[JRthat sounds*-1P (like the rumble )(of thunder. )]/-/The lion

sometimes lives*- (to a great age. )/-/One (by the name )(of

Pompey )died*- (at London, )(in the year )1760,=A--01 (at the age

)(of seventy years. )/-/[ALIf taken*E [ARwhen*E young ]]the lion

can be tamed,*P and will even show*D1 marks (of kindness )(to his

keeper. )/-/(In a menagerie )(at Brussels, )there was*N1 a cell

[JRwhere a large lion, called Danco,=P--021 used to be kept.*P ]!!!!!!!!