New Frontiers/

Special Friendships p. 84/








/-/There are*N1 many different kinds (of friendships )(between animals. )/-/No one knows*D1 [DOhow or why many (of these friendships )got started.*P ]/-/(In certain friendships, )some animals behave*- (like "guests." )/-/Often a guest will live*- (in another animal's house )(without helping=GOP062 )to build=IDO031 or clean=IDO031 it. /-/The "host" seems*A1 willing to do=IAV051 all the work. /-/It just wants*D1I to have=IDO081 the pleasure (of the guest's company. )/-/(In other friendships, )"worker" animals do*D1 jobs (for their "friends." )/-/They will clean,*D1 feed,*D1 or protect*D1 their friends. /-/(In return, )they will receive*D1 help [JRthat they need.*D1 ]/-/The ziczac bird and the crocodile have*D1 a strange friendship. /-/Feared=P--060 (by people and most animals, )the crocodile has*D1 terrible jaws. /-/The jaws are filled*P (with several rows )(of sharp, pointed=P--010 teeth. )/-/Its body is covered*P (by scales. )/-/It has*D1 a long, flat tail [JRthat could knock*D1 you down. ]/-/Many crocodiles live*- (in the rivers and swamps )(of Africa. )/-/The swamps and rivers are*A1 full (of leeches. )/-/These strange worms hold*- (onto the inside )(of the crocodile's mouth. )/-/The ziczac bird picks*D2 these leeches and other pests (from the crocodile's mouth. )/-/The crocodile never bites*D1 its friend. /-/Yet it would snap*D1 up any other bird. /-/Ostriches and zebras help*D1 each other (in their friendship. )/-/They form*N1 "teams" to graze=IAV030 together. /-/They protect*D1 each other (from their enemy-- )the lion.=A--02 /-/The zebra has*D2 powerful teeth and a good strong kick. /-/It can defend*D1 itself (against most animals. )/-/However, the sly lion is*A1 too much (for it. )/-/A lion can take*D1 a zebra (by surprise. )!!!!!!!!