New Frontiers/

Barry--Hero oftheAlps p.146/








/-/Barry was*N1 a Saint Bernard dog. /-/He knew*D1 well the mountains [JRwhere he had been born.*P ]/-/Almost all year=U--02 long, snow lay*- (in those high places. )/-/(As a result, )there were*N1 many dangers. /-/Often a person could become lost*P [ARif snow covered*D1 the road. ]/-/Tired=P--010 travelers could freeze*- (to death )[ARif they stopped*- to rest=IAV020 and fell*A1 asleep. ]/-/Sliding=P--010 snow could rush*- (down the mountainside )and bury*D1 anyone (in its path. )/-/Barry lived*- (with a group )(of monks. )/-/Their work was*N1I to help=IPN081 all those [JRwho were*-1P (in need. )]/-/Their house was called*P1 a hospice hos'pis.=APR01 /-/The monks' only companions were*N1 their dogs. /-/People called*D1I these dogs=IEL041 Saint Bernards [ARbecause the mountain pass [JMwhere they lived*- ]was known*P (as Great Saint Bernard. )]/-/[ALThough no one guessed*D1 it then, ]Barry was*-1I to become=IRO061 a famous Saint Bernard. /-/He became*A1 so famous [ARthat his story is known*P (in many countries, )right (down to our time. )]/-/This is*A1 so [AReven though it is*N1 more (than 150 years )[DSsince Barry was*A1 alive. ]]/-/(Like children, )the young dogs had to go*- (to school. )/-/They had to be trained*P to help=IRO041 the monks. /-/There was*N1 much to learn.=IAJ021 /-/The first thing [JMthey had to learn*D0 ]was*N1I to obey.=IPN020 /-/(For Barry, )[JLwho liked*D1I to play,=IDO020 ]this was*N1 the hardest thing (of all. )/-/(By the time )[JLBarry was*A1 a year old, ]he had learned*D1 a great deal. /-/He could run*- (over the snow )(without sinking=GOP030 )(into it. )/-/He knew*D1I how to find=IDO091 a person buried=P--040 (by an avalanche. )!!!!!!!!