New Frontiers/
TheWoman Who Trained Sharks p. 212/
/-/Eugenie Clark's interest (in the sea )began*- [ARwhen she was*A1 six years old. ]/-/Every Saturday morning,=U--03 she went*- (to the New York Aquarium. )/-/There, Eugenie spent*D1 hours looking=P--051 at the many different fish. /-/Some were*A1 beautiful. /-/Some were*A1 strange. /-/Some didn't look*N1 like fish (at all. )/-/Eugenie never tired*- (of looking=GOP041 )at sea life. /-/(Because of her interest, )she decided*D1I to become=IDO051 an ichthyologist iktheolojist.=APR01 /-/This is*N1 a scientist [JRwho studies*D1 fish. ]/-/Eugenie studied*D1 sea life (for many years. )/-/She went*- (to several colleges )(in New York. )/-/She visited*D1 many labs [JRthat study*D1 sea life. ]/-/She knew*D1 [DOthat one day=U--02 she wanted*D1I to have=IDO081 a marine lab (of her own. )]/-/(By 1955, )Eugenie Clark was*N1 a doctor (of ichthyology. )/-/She was*N2 also a wife and mother. /-/Family life kept*D1I Eugenie=IEL021 busy. /-/However, she did not give*D1 up her dream to have=IAJ051 her own lab. /-/One day,=U--02 Dr. Clark got*D1 a wonderful offer. /-/Some people wanted*D1I to start=IDO081 a marine lab (near Sarasota, Florida. )/-/The area was*A1 rich (in sea life. )/-/It was*N1 just the spot (for an ichthyologist )to work.=IAJ020 /-/Would Eugenie move*- (to Florida )and run*D1 the lab? /-/Dr. Clark talked*D1 it over (with her husband. )/-/He had just become*N1 a doctor. /-/He liked*D1 the idea (of working=GOP030 )(in Florida. )/-/He wanted*D1I Eugenie to go=IDO060 on (with her work, )too. /c/So, (in January 1955, )the family moved*- (to Florida. )/-/(Within just a few weeks, )Eugenie Clark's lab was*-1P (under way. )/-/It was called*P1 the Cape Haze Marine Laboratory. /-/Dr. Clark thought*D1 [DOher first job would be*N1I to get=IPN051 samples (of fish. )]!!!!!!!!