New Frontiers

Actions Speak Louder than Words p.294/








/-/(Without speaking=GOP031 )a word, you can "say"*D1 all kinds (of things )(by using=GOP062 )your face and your body. /-/The way [JMyou move*D2 your eyes and mouth ]can speak*- (for you. )/-/You can "talk"*- (by moving=GOP052 )your hands and arms. /-/The way [JMyou hold*D1 your head, walk,*- sit,*- or stand*- ]sends*D1 messages (to the people )looking at=P--03 you. /-/[ALWhen you use*D1 different parts (of your body, )moving=P--04 separately or together, ]you are "speaking"*D1 body language. /-/Almost everyone begins*D1I very early (in life )to communicate=IDO050 (with body language. )/-/(In fact, )each (of us )learns*D1 body language as well as spoken=P--01 language. /-/We don't even think*- (about it. )/-/(As children )we learn*D1 [DOthat moving=GNS061 the head up and down means*D1 "yes." ]/-/We learn*D1 [DOthat moving=GNS061 the head back and forth means*D1 "no." ]/-/You may not be*A1 aware (of the body language )[JRyou use.*D0 ]/-/You may scratch*D1 your head to show=IAV051 [DOyou are puzzled.*P ]/-/[ALIf you bend*D1 your index finger (toward you, )]you may mean*D1 [DO"Come*- here." ]/-/Clap*D1 your hands or pat*D1 your lap /C/and your dog might come*- running=P--02 up (to you. )/-/You may use*D2 your thumb and finger to form=IAV041 a circle. /-/You're saying*D2 "Great!" or "Job well done!"=SDO040 /-/Have you ever had to give*D1 someone directions on how to get=IOP060 (to a certain place? )/-/It's*A1 very hard to do=IDS031 this (without using=GOP042 )your hands and arms. /-/Suppose*D1 [DOyou want*D1I to describe=IDO041 a monster movie. ]/-/Could you do*D1 it (without using=GOP031 )body language? /-/Try*D1 talking=GDO090 (about an exciting=P--01 football game or a carnival ride. )!!!!!!!!