New Frontiers/
A Storyteller's Story p. 324/
/-/(To some people, )writing=GNS010 and writers are*N1 a mystery. /-/That was*A1 never true (for me. )/-/I come*- (from a family )(of writers. )/-/My mother wrote*D2 short stories and crossword puzzles. /-/My father wrote*- (for a newspaper. )/-/He was*N1 president (on the Overseas Press Club. )/-/Writing=GNS010 was*N1 as much a part (of my life )(as breathing.=GOP010 )/-/Is*N1 it any wonder [DSthat I always wanted*D1I to be=IDO041 a writer? ]/-/It was*N1 a plan [JRthat lasted*- (through dreams )(of dancing,=GOP010 horseback riding,=GOP020 and becoming=GOP041 )a lawyer. ]/-/To write=INS050 (for a newspaper, )[IJI thought,*D1 ]would be*N1 the best thing (of all. )/-/I saw*D1 writing=GDO010 (as an activity )(with many rewards: )good friends,=A--02 a good living,=A--03 and a way=A--11 (of getting=GOP081 )the world to listen=IDO070 (to my ideas. )/c/But I didn't know*D1 (until later )[DOthat writing=GNS010 is*N1 also hard work. ]/-/I wrote*- and wrote.*- /-/(In grade school, )I wrote*D1 my first play (with music. )/-/All the actors played*N1 vegetables. /-/I was*N1 the chief carrrot. /-/The final number was*N1 a big salad! /-/My brother is*A1 (about four years )younger [ARthan I.*E ]/-/[ALWhen we were*A1 young, ]we put*D1 out two issues (of the Yolen Gazette. )/-/I wrote*D1 it and drew*D1 the pictures (for it. )/-/He gave*D1 me the news. /-/That meant*N1 [PNhe reported*D1 back all interesting things going=P--060 on (in our apartment building. )]/-/We sold*D1 ten copies (at ten cents )a paper.=U--02 /-/[ALWhen we had made*D1 almost a dollar each, ]we quit.*- /c/Or rather, my mother, [JMwho typed*D1 it and made*D1 the copies, ]quit.*- /-/(In high school, )I wrote*- (for the school newspaper. )!!!!!!!!