New Frontiers/

A Kind of Magic p. 383/








/-/Tim and Perdita led*D1 Janey (to the mouth )(of the tunnel. )/-/Once there, Janey put*D1 her hand (on the wall. )/-/Tim put*D1 his hand (on her shoulder, )/C/and Perdita clutched*D1 the back (of Tim's jacket. )/-/They began*D1I to walk=IDO060 (down the rocky stairs. )/-/(For the first few yards, )[ALwhile the light lasted,*- ]Janey's pace seemed*A1 slow (to them. )/-/Then, as soon [ALas the last blue glimmer vanished*- ]and [ALthey were*-1P (in the dark, )]it seemed*A1 terrifyingly fast. /-/They stumbled,*- panic-stricken.=P--01 /-/[DO"Go*- slower, Janey," ]Tim begged.*D1 /-/[DO"I'm going*- slow," ]she said.*D1 /-/"Why don't you walk*- properly, (instead of bumping=GOP060 )about all (over the place?" )/-/[DO"I don't know*D1 how," ]Tim said*D1 humbly. /-/It was*A1 true. /-/Walking=GNS040 (in the pitch dark )was*A2 different-- and frightening:=PPA020 /C/You lifted*D1 your foot /C/and it was*-1P (like stepping=GOP080 )(off a cliff )(into black, empty air. )/-/Janey stood*A1 still. /-/[DO"Feel,"*- ]she said,*D1 (after a pause. )/-/"Feel*- (with your feet. )/-/That's*N1 [PNwhat I do."*D1 ]/-/She moved*- on again. /-/The two (behind her )began*D1I to learn.=IDO020 /-/Keeping=P--061 one hand (on the wall, )they slid*D1 their feet forwards, feeling=P--100 (with their toes and the balls )(of their feet. )/-/Their progress became*A1 steadier /C/and their panic ebbed*- a little.=U--02 /-/[DO"That's*A1 better," ]Janey said.*D1 /-/"You're doing*A2 fine-- just fine." /-/She spoke*- (in the bright, encouraging=P--01 voice )[JRher mother sometimes used*- (to her, )[ARwhen she was trying*D1I to do=IDO121 something [JRthat was*A1 hard (for a blind girl )to do.=IAV020 ]]]/-/Once she stopped.*- /-/[DO"I'm listening,"*- ]she explained.*D1 /-/Tim and Perdita tried*D1I to listen,=IDO020 too. /-/They strained*D1 their ears, !!!!!!!!