New Frontiers/
Winter Days and Winter Nights p. 504/
/-/All alone (in the wild Big Woods, and the snow, and the cold, )the little log house was*A3 warm and snug and cozy. /-/Pa and Ma and Mary and Laura and Baby Carrie were*A2 comfortable and happy there, especially (at night. )/-/Then the fire was shining*- (on the hearth, )/C/the cold and the dark and the wild beasts were all shut*P out, /C/and Jack the brindle bulldog=ANA03 and Black Susan the cat=ANA02 lay*A1 blinking=PPA070 (at the flames )(in the fireplace. )/-/Ma sat*- (in her rocking chair, )sewing=P--100 (by the light )(of the lamp )(on the table. )/-/The lamp was*A2 bright and shiny. /-/There was*N1 salt (in the bottom )(of its glass bowl )(with the kerosene, )to keep=IAV061 the kerosene (from exploding,=GOP010 )/C/and there were*N1 bits (of red flannel )(among the salt )to make=IAV041 it=IEL021 pretty. /-/It was*A1 pretty. /-/Laura loved*D1I to look at=IDO321 the lamp, (with its glass chimney )so clean and sparkling,=SOP07 its yellow flame burning=SOP061 so steadily, and its bowl (of clear kerosene )colored=SOP131 red (by the bits )(of flannel. )/-/She loved*D1I to look at=IDO331 the fire (in the fireplace, )flickering=P--01 and changing=P--05 all the time,=U--03 burning=P--103 yellow and red and sometimes green (above the logs, )and hovering=P--091 blue (over the golden and ruby coals. )/c/And then, Pa told*D1 stories. /-/[ALWhen Laura and Mary begged*D1 him (for a story, )]he would take*D1 them (on his knee )and tickle*D1 their faces (with his long wiskers )[ARuntil they laughed*- aloud. ]/-/His eyes were*A2 blue and merry. /-/One night=U--02 Pa looked at*D1 Black Susan, stretching=P--051 herself (before the fire )and running=P--071 her claws out and in. !!!!!!!!