New Frontiers/

The 4-H Club Family p. 38/











/-/I'm*N1 Danny Weiland (from Lancaster, Ohio. )/-/My family is*N1 a 4-H family. /-/Do you know*- (about 4-H? )/-/It's*N1 an organization (of clubs )(for young people. )/-/4-H Clubs give*D1 us a chance to work=IAJ060 (on some great projects. )/-/We can learn*D1 more (about things )[JRthat interest*D1 us, ]/C/and we can have*D1 fun doing=P--021 it. /-/Both my mother and father work*- (with 4-H Clubs. )/-/All (of my sisters and brothers )are*N1 or have been*N1 members. /-/I'm*A1 the youngest (in the family. )/-/I was*A1 able to join=IAV031 4-H [ARwhen I turned*A1 nine. ]/-/But even (before that, )I took*D1 part. /-/Mom has loved*D1 horses and worked*- (with them )[ARsince she was*N1 a child. ]/c/So it is*N1 no surprise [DSthat she works*- (with a 4-H Club )[JRwhose interest is*N1 horses. ]]/-/The children [JMwho work*- (with my mother )]have already learned*D1 some things (about horses. )/-/They know*D1I how to show=IDO091 them (at fairs and horse shows. )/-/My mom judges*D1 a lot (of horse shows. )/c/So she can help*D1I the children learn=IDO111 more (about judging=GOP062 )the best horses and riders. /-/I'm just starting*- out (with a horse project. )/-/Annie Dexter-- my pony--=A--02 and I spend*D1 hours together (in the horse lot )(behind our house. )/-/There we work*- out (for the shows. )/-/I have to know*D1 all kinds (of things )(about taking=GOP041 )care (of Annie. )/-/Mom shows*D3I me how to hold=IDO061 the lead rope, how to get=IDO081 her to stand=IDO050 just right, and how to ride=IDO110 [ARso Annie and I both look*A1 good. ]/-/Dad's 4-H Club is interested*P (in guinea pigs. )!!!!!!!!