Silver Burdett/

Science: Understanding Your Environment/

Magnets and their Uses p. 111/








/-/Rocks called=P--031 lodestones LOHDstohnz=APR01 are*N1 natural magnets. /-/These rocks have*D1 iron (in them. )/-/Long ago, lodestones were*N1 the only magnets [JRman had.*D0 ]/-/Most magnets used=P--02 today are*N1 not natural magnets. /-/Magnets attract*D1 some kinds (of metal. )/-/These are called*P1 magnetic metals. /-/Iron is*N1 the most common magnetic metal. /-/Nickel and cobalt are*N1 two others. /-/Any magnetic metal can be used*P to make=IAV041 a magnet. /-/Most magnets made=P--03 (by man )have*D1 iron (in them. )/-/The iron is often mixed*P (with other metals. )/-/The best magnets are made*P (of a mixture )(of metals. )/-/You have found*D1 [DOthat all parts (of a magnet )do not act*- (in the same way. )]/-/Bar magnets and rod magnets are*A1 strongest (at their ends. )/-/The ends (of magnets )are called*P1 magnetic poles. /-/A compass needle is*N1 a magnet. /-/The poles are*-1P (at the ends )(of the needle. )/-/One end (of the needle )points*- (to the North Pole )(of the earth. )/-/This end is called*P1 the north-seeking=P--01 pole (of the compass needle. )/-/Why is the other end (of the needle )called*P1 the south-seeking=P--01 pole (of the magnet? )/-/The north pole (of one magnet )attracts*D1 the south pole (of another magnet. )/-/The north poles (of two magnets )push*D1 one another away. /c/So do*- two south poles. /-/This action can be described*P (by saying=GOP071 )[DO"like magnetic poles repel*D1 each other." ]/-/What does repel mean?*N1 /-/What kind (of magnetic pole )is*-1P (near the earth's North Pole? )/-/You do not need*D1I to touch=IDO071 a compass (with another magnet )to make=IAV041 it move.=IDO020 !!!!!!!!