Silver Burdett/

Science: Understanding Your Environment/

Electrons and Electricity p. 121/








/-/Electricity is*N1 one (of the most useful kinds )(of energy. )/-/You could not list*D1 (on a sheet )(of paper )all the ways [JRyou use*D1 it each day.=U--02 ]/-/Have you ever wondered*D1 [DOwhat electricity is?*N1 ]/-/It would be*A1 hard to explain.=IDS020 /-/Scientists are*A1 not exactly sure [OPwhat it is.*N1 ]/c/But they know*- (about [OPhow )it acts.*- ]/-/Some (of the ways )[JMit acts*- ]explain*D1 [DOwhat it might be.*N1 ]/-/Scientists know*D1 [DOthat electricity is related*P (to magnetism. )]/-/(In the last chapter, )you used*D1 electricity to make=IAV031 magnetism. /-/Magnetism is related*P (to the way )[JRsmall groups (of iron atoms )are lined*P up (in a magnet. )]/-/One tiny part (of the atom )is*N1 an electron ihLEKtron.=APR01 /-/Scientists have found*D1 [DOthat this part (of the atom )is related*P (to electricity. )]/-/Each electron is*N1 a small particle (of electrical energy. )/-/The electrons travel*- (around the center )(of the atom. )/-/These electrons can be moved*P away (from the atom. )/-/The electricity (of an electron )is called*P1 a negative charge. /-/The amount (of electrical energy )(of one electron )is*A1 small. /c/But [ALwhen millions (of electrons )move*- together, ]their energy is*A1 great. /-/Sometimes they jump*- (through the air )(from one place )(to another. )/-/This heats*D1 the air. /-/You see*D1 the hot air (as a spark. )/-/You may also hear*D1 a sound. /-/Did you ever get*D1 an electric shock? /-/[ALIf you did,*- ]you felt*D1 electrons moving.=SDO020 /-/Part (of your body )was*N1 a path [JR(on which )negative charges (of electricity )traveled.*- ]/-/Electrons are*A1 easy to take=IAV060 away (from some atoms. )/-/Electrons can be rubbed*P away (from wool )(with a balloon. )!!!!!!!!