Silver Burdett/
Science: Understanding Your Environment/
Uses of Electricity p. 131/
/-/Suppose*D1 [DOyou had lived*- (in 1879. )]/-/You might have read*D1 these headlines (in the newspaper: )[APWORLD'S MOST REVOLUTIONARY INVENTION=A--04 ELECTRIC LIGHT IS BORN*P ]/-/GLASS BULB TURNS*D1 NIGHT (INTO DAY )/-/People living=P--02 then did not know*D1 [DOhow much the electric light would change*D1 their lives. ]/-/People could do*D1 more reading=GDO020 (at night. )/-/Some people would work*- (at night. )/-/Streets would no longer be*A1 dark. /-/People would travel*- more (at night. )/-/(In some ways, )night has been changed*P (into day. )/-/Making=GNS021 light is*N1 only one use (of electricity. )/-/The energy (of electricity )is used*P to send=IAV031 messages. /-/It is used*P to make=IAV031 heat. /-/Electrical energy is used*P to do=IAV061 many kinds (of work. )/-/Electrical energy is*A1 easy to use=IAV050 to do=IAV031 work. /-/It can be used*P almost everywhere. /-/Electricity comes*- (from large power plants. )/-/Power lines carry*D1 it (to [OPwhere )it is needed.*P ]/-/It does not have to be stored,*P (like coal and oil. )/-/Batteries can be used*P to make=IAV031 electricity [ARwhere there are*N1 no power lines. ]/-/Is*A1 it easier to move=IDS072 fuel, or electricity, great distances? /-/What is needed*P to bring=IAV061 electricity (to your room? )/-/Why do lights go*- on [ARwhen you flip*D1 a switch? ]/-/Why does a broken=P--01 wire keep*D1 a toaster (from working?=GOP010 )/-/Suppose*D1 [DOyour radio does not work*- [ARwhen you turn*D1 it on. ]]/-/You wonder*D1 [DOwhat is*A1 wrong. ]/-/You may check*- to see=IAV071 [DOif it is plugged*P in. ]/-/[ALIf it is*P not, ]you know*D1 [DOit cannot work.*- ]/-/[ALIf you observe*D1 [DOwhat goes*- on (around you, )]]you can learn*D1 much (about electric current. )!!!!!!!!