Silver Burdett/
Science: Understanding Your Environment/
Uses of Light p. 181/
/-/Suppose*D1 [DOyou were*-1P (on the street )shown=P--04 (at the left. )]/-/How would you find out*D1 [DOwhere you were?*- ]/-/You would see*D1 large buildings. /-/You would know*D1 [DOthat you were*-1P (in a city. )]/-/Study*D1 the picture. /-/Which buildings may be*A1 open? /-/What are the buildings used*P for? /-/Are*N1 there taxicabs (on the street? )/-/You can answer*D1 each (of these questions )(by using=GOP031 )your eyes. /-/(With your eyes )you can see*D1 objects [JRthat give off*D1 light or reflect*D1 light. ]/-/[ALWhenever light reaches*D1 your eyes ]you learn*D1 something (about the things )(around you. )/-/A dim light may keep*D1 you (from stubbing=GOP031 )your toe. /-/You recognize*D2 friends and objects [JRyou have seen*D0 before ](by the light )[JRthey reflect.*- ]/-/Light may give*D1 you a message. /-/(For example, )a red traffic light means*N1 "stop." /-/A green traffic light means*N1 "go." /-/What other examples can you name?*D1 /-/Light is*N1 one (of the most important forms )(of energy )(in your life. )/-/You must have*D1 light (for almost everything )[JRyou do.*D0 ]/-/The amount (of light )[JMyou need*D0 ]depends*- (on [OPwhat )you are doing.*D0 ]/-/When do you need*D1 bright light? /-/When can you get*- along (with a small amount )(of light? )/-/Life today is*A1 easier [ARthan it was*A0 years=U--01 ago ](because of light. )/-/Fifty years=U--02 ago, there were*N1 few electric lights. /-/Lamps burned*D2 fuel oil or gas. /-/People depended*- more (on natural light )[ARthan they do*- today. ]/-/What would your life be*A1 like (without electric lamps? )/-/Nearly all light can give*D1 a person information (of some kind. )/-/Some light is used*P only to give=IAV041 information. !!!!!!!!