Silver Burdett/

Science: Understanding Your Environment/

Predicting the Weather p. 207/








/-/How can you find out*D1 [DOwhat the weather will be*-1P like tomorrow? ]/-/You could listen*- (to a weather report )(on a radio or a television set. )/-/You might read*D1 a weather report (in a newspaper. )/-/Weather reports usually tell*D1 [DOwhat the weather was*-1P like [ARwhen the report was made.*P ]]/-/They also tell*D1 [DOhow and when the weather is*A1 likely to change.=IAV020 ]/-/No one can be*A1 certain (of [OPhow )weather will change*- ][ARuntil it happens.*- ]/c/But a statement using=P--051 information (about weather conditions )can be made.*P /-/Such a statement is called*P2 a prediction preeDIkshun,=APR01 or forecast FAWRkast,=APR01 (of the weather. )/-/Who makes*D1 weather predictions? /-/How are they made?*P /-/Newspapers, radio stations, and television stations get*D1 weather information (from the United States Weather Bureau. )/-/The Weather Bureau collects*D1 weather facts (from many places. )/-/The Bureau also keepSIC*D1 records (of the weather. )/-/The records show*D1 patterns (of weather changes. )/-/Weather predictions are made*P (by using=GOP131 )information collected=P--020 daily (about the weather )and (about patterns )(of weather changes. )/-/Weather information is collected*P (in many places. )/-/Weather stations are located*P (in big cities, )(at airports, )and (on high mountains. )/-/Some weather information also comes*- (from aircraft, ships, and weather stations )(on the oceans. )/-/Balloons, rockets, and satellites are used*P to gather=IAV071 information high (above the earth. )/-/Weather information is shared*P (with other countries. )/-/Is*N1 there a weather station (near your home? )/-/The weather [JMyou will have*D0 tomorrow ]will be caused*P (by air masses )[JRthat formed*- many miles=U--02 away. ]/-/[NSHow soon the weather changes*- ]depends*- (on the speed and direction )[JR(in which )these air masses move.*- ]!!!!!!!!