Silver Burdett/
Science: Understanding Your Environment/
Weather Climate and Life p. 215/
/-/Do you know*D1 [DOwhere the state (of South Dakota )is?*- ]/-/It is*-1P about (in the middle )(of North America. )/-/Suppose*D1 [DOyou lived*- (in South Dakota. )]/-/Some days=U--02 the temperature would be*A1 very high. /-/It would be*A1 hotter [ARthan it ever is*A0 (in Florida or Hawaii. )]/-/There would also be*N1 days [JRwhen it would be*A1 very cold. ]/-/It would get*A1 colder [ARthan it does*- (in Maine )or (in much )(of Alaska. )]/-/Could you say*D1 [DOthat South Dakota is*A1 warmer (than Hawaii? )]/-/Could you say*D1 [DOthat it is*A1 colder (than Alaska? )]/-/What do you mean*D1 [ARwhen you say*D1 [DOthat one state is*A2 warmer or colder (than another state? )]]/-/Are you talking*- (about the weather )today? /c/Or are you talking*- (about the average weather )(over a year or more? )/-/Weather is*N1 the condition (of the air )(over a certain region )(at any one time. )/-/Climate is*N1 the average weather (of a region )(over a long period )(of time. )/-/Weather is always changing.*- /-/It changes*- (from day )(to day. )/-/It changes*- (from hour )(to hour. )/c/But climate remains*N1 about the same. /-/The temperature (on a summer day )(in South Dakota )may be*A1 higher (than 100DF. )/-/(On this day )the weather would be*A1 hotter [ARthan it is*A0 (in Hawaii. )]/-/The temperature (in Hawaii )is*A1 seldom higher (than 90DF. )/-/Sometimes the temperature (in South Dakota )drops*- 50 degrees=U--02 (in a single day. )/-/The temperature (in Hawaii )may not change*- much more (than 10 degrees )(during a month. )/-/The climate (of Hawaii )is*A1 much warmer (than that )(of South Dakota. )!!!!!!!!