Silver Burdett/

Science: Understanding Your Environment/

Digestion Breathing and Circulation p. 231/








/-/Bananas, hamburger, lettuce, milk, bacon, jelly, bread, peanut butter-- What does this list make*D1I you think=IDO030 of? /-/Is*N1 it just a grocery list? /-/Does it make*D1I you think=IDO080 (of foods )[JRyou have eaten*D0 today? ]/-/Have you ever wondered*D1 [DOwhat happens*- (to the food )[JRyou eat?*D0 ]]/-/You know*D1 [DOit enters*D1 your mouth. ]/-/You also know*D1 [DOit is chewed*P and swallowed.*P ]/c/But where does it go*- [ARafter it is swallowed?*P ]/-/What happens*- (to it )[ARafter it goes*- (past your throat? )]/-/We can use*D1 one word to help=IAV111 describe=IDO091 [DOwhat happens*- (to the food )[JRthat you eat.*D1 ]]/-/The word is*N1 digestion. /-/[ALWhen digestion duhJESchun=APR01 occurs,*- ]food is changed.*P /-/It can now be dissolved*P (in water. )/-/[ALWhen it is dissolved*P (in water )]it enters*D1 your bloodstream. /-/Your bloodstream carries*D1 it (to the cells )(of your body. )/-/It is used*P (in your cells )(for energy. )/-/It is also used*P to repair=IAV103 the scrapes, bumps, and scratches [JRyou may get.*D0 ]/-/Do you take*D1 anything else (into your body )other (than food and water? )/-/Think*- (about it. )/-/Are*N1 there any openings (in your face )other (than your mouth? )/-/You have*D1 two openings (in your nose. )/-/Air enters*D1 your body (through those openings )every time=U--04 [JRyou breathe.*- ]/-/Where does the air go?*- /-/What happens*- (to the air? )/-/Why does your body need*D1 air? /-/Your body needs*D1 the oxygen (in the air. )/-/The oxygen combines*- (with the food )(in your cells )to give=IAV041 off energy. /-/The oxygen enters*D1 your body (with air )(during the breathing=P--01 process. )/-/Oxygen and digested=P--01 food get*- (into your blood )(after digestion and breathing.=GOP020 )!!!!!!!!