Silver Burdett/

Science: Understanding Your Environment/

The Nervous System p. 251/








/-/Have you ever played*D1 basketball or watched*D1I someone else play?=IDO030 /-/You know*D1 [DOit can be*N1 a fast game. ]/-/A basketball player must move*- (about the court )quickly. /-/His arms must move*- swiftly to throw,=IAV021 catch,=IAV021 or dribble=IAV041 the ball. /-/His muscles must work*- together. /-/A basketball player must also be*A1 able to think=IAV030 quickly. /-/He must decide*D1 [DOwhat he is going to do*- (with the ball )]each time=U--02 [JRit comes*- (toward him. )]/-/He must decide*D1 [DOif he is going to throw*D1 it or dribble*D1 it (down the court. )]/-/He must keep*D1 (in mind )[DOwhere his teammates are.*- ]/-/[ALWhile all (of this )is going*- on, ]much is taking*D1 place (inside his body. )/-/His heart is beating.*- /-/His lungs are taking in*D1 air. /-/Tiny glands (in his skin )are giving*D1 off sweat. /-/What else is happening*- (in his body? )/-/Many (of these activities )are taking*D1 place (in your body )now. /-/They happen*- [ARwhether you are playing*D1 basketball, walking,*- or sitting*A1 still. ]/-/Many go*- on [ARwhile you are sleeping.*- ]/-/Different parts (of your body )work*- together (in carrying=GOP041 )out these activities. /c/But what makes*D1I these parts work=IDO040 together? /-/All parts (of your body )are controlled*P [ARso that they work*- together. ]/-/There is*N1 one system (in your body )[JRthat does*D1 most (of the controlling. )]/-/It is called*P1 the nervous system. /-/The brain, spinal cord, and nerves are*N1 the main parts (of your nervous system. )/-/Your brain controls*D2 your thoughts and most (of your activities. )/-/It is*-1P (inside your skull. )/-/The brain is*N1 a soft organ. !!!!!!!!