Silver Burdett/
Science: Understanding Your Environment/
Life in the Oceans p. 69/
/-/Nearly all water has*D1 some life (in it. )/-/Life is found*P (in streams and rivers. )/-/Living=P--01 things are found*P (in the water )(in soil. )/-/Rainwater collected=P--040 (in tin cans )may have*D1 living=P--01 things (in it. )/-/The oceans (of the world )have*D1 much life. /-/You may think*D1 [DOthat water is*N1 not a good place to live.=IAJ020 ]/-/You cannot breathe*- underwater. /-/Man has trouble*- moving=P--040 around (in water. )/-/You usually get*A1 cold [ARif you stay*- (in water )too long. ]/-/Yet many plants and animals do live*- (in water. )/-/There must be*N1 reasons [JRwhy this is*- so. ]/-/All living=P--01 things must have*D1 water to live.=IAV020 /-/Plants and animals [JMthat live*- (in water )]do not have*D1 this problem. /-/Water protects*D1 living=P--01 things (from quick changes )(in temperature. )/-/A passing=P--01 cloud may cause*D1I the temperature (of air )to drop.=IDO060 /-/Air temperature usually changes*- many degrees=U--02 (during a day. )/c/But the temperature (of water )usually changes*- slowly. /-/The temperature (of water )may change*- only a few degrees=U--04 (in a year. )/-/Water protects*D1 living=P--01 things (from fast temperature changes. )/-/Water also helps*D1I support=IDO091 the bodies (of things )[JRthat live*- (in it. )]/-/You may have felt*D1 this support [ARwhen you were swimming.*- ]/-/Water pushed*- upward (on your body. )/-/You have seen*D1 plants [JRthat live*- (in water. )]/-/There may be*N1 some (in an aquarium )(in your classroom. )/-/Plants [JMthat live*- (in water )]do not usually have*D1 thick, stiff stems. /-/They are held*P up (by the water )(around them. )/-/What happens*- [ARwhen these plants are taken*P (out of the water? )]!!!!!!!!