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The 1986 Study

Record Number: W4N04

Level 2: 
Add Subjects, Finite Verbs, & Complements

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      Because browsers cannot handle double underlining, subjects are in bold green; finite verbs, in bold blue. Complements are in bold dark red, with their labels after them.  The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in black. 

     I live {at 432 Xxxxxxxx Street.} I live {in a green and white

house} I have four bedrooms (DO). My moms bedroom is the 

biggest (PA), we have seven closets (DO) {in our house}

so I play hid (DO) and seek (DO) {in them} my back yard is 

big (PA) so my brother built a club house (DO)We have a 

shower (DO) {in our bath room,} my sister is always {in the 

shower} when I want to get Note #1 {in it.} My mom has

dressing room (DO) {in her bedroom.} I have lots (DO) {of toys}

{in my room} and lots (DO) {of Janit Jackson posters and the Jets.} 

{In my sisters room}all she has is makeup (PN). Note #2  I have 

a bathroom (DO) and a dining room (DO) and a living room 

(DO) and a kitchen (DO)My room is purple (PA) and 

and (="has") a rainbow (DO) {acrose it.} My brothers room is 

junky (PA).

     This morning I woke up and got dressed and then my

aunt told me (IO) to make Note #3 her a cup {of coffe} and I 

spilled it (DO) and I fell {in dirt} and tangeled my hair (DO)

 has your morning ever started {like this.}

     This morning I woke and I couldnt find nothing (DO) to 

wear and I fell {down the steps} but that was not the worst thing 

(PN) I couldn't eat my cearl (DO) and mile (DO) because my 

throght was sore (PA) Oh and also I am going to go {to the 

new mall} this week to get new clothes do you go {to the new


     My mother is very beatyful (PA). I have a brother (DO)

and sister (DO)My dad is tall (PA) my mom is short (PA).

My brother looks {like my dad.} Note #4 When my mom is {in

good mood} she takes us (DO) shopping. Every time my dad is 

{in a good mood} he gives us (IO) money (DO). My sister 

looks {like my mother} and so do IMy sister is {in Xxxxxx

Xxxxxx Middle School.}

     My dad is 30 (PA)My mom is 29 (PA). My moms 

birthday is November the 23 (PN)My mom is a nurse (PN)

my dad workes {on cars.}  my sister is 12 (PA), she does my 

hair (DO). my brother is 10 (PA)he fixes bikes (DO). My 

sisters name is Dxxxxx (PN) and my brothers mane is Dxxxxx 

(PN)I was born {in Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx.}


1. If, at this level, students want to consider "want to get" as the verb, I would let them. When they get to infinitives, they will easily see how "to get" is an infinitive functioning as the direct object of "want."

2. Expect students to have trouble with a subject/verb pattern between a subject and its verb.

3. Students will probably recognize "to make" as the direct object, even though they will not know that it is an infinitive. (Nor need they be told, unless they ask.)

4. Some students may prefer to consider "looks like" ("resembles") as the finite verb and "dad" as its direct object.

Total Words = 365 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  86  24
L1A: + Adj. & Averbs 71 43
L2: + S / V / C 177 92

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