Best Friends Me and my Friends get along good, but only me and my best of Friends get along great. Sure everyone says this, but not that many people can say they have, sort of like, an adopted sister. You see, I have three brothers and no sisters, and I like pretending I have sisters. I even have a friend that people believe we are sisters, her name is Mary Evans. We look almost like sisters, we both have brown eyes and brown hair, and we love going shopping together. Sometimes we wear the same clothes and go out, to eat or something, and people say we look like each other and we just say we are sisters. Of cours we can't say we are twins, because of an age difference, she's 20 I'm 13. We can always say we're sisters who like each other a lot. Of course, I have more than one best friend, I have around eight or nine. I have a best friend in each class, even in lunch. In first period, I have Barbara, second period there's Sandi, and in third my best friend is Lori and Barbara. Unfortunately we get to 4th period, and that's where Sherri is my friend. Then in 5th there's Lori and Sandi, in 6th there's Lori and Annie. Oh, I almost forgot lunch. in lunch there's Sherri, Barbara, and Carrie. With all these people I have at least one thing in common, either hair or eye color, or even disliking or liking the same people. It doesn't matter what we have in common, we will always have something to talk about. True friends are hard to find.