My Older Sister My sister that is older than me is sixteen years old and goes to JWHS. She is the smartest person in our family. She is mostly in all level four classes. She plans on going to a local college for two years and then to a larger college for four years. She is majoring in teaching the handicapped. My cousin is handicapped and my sister does a lot of things with her, mostly with church and school. When my cousin goes on a field trip, my sister always goes and helps. Next year in the 12th grade she is going to be an aide in my cousins class. To be an aide she had to give up one class, she gave up French, but she is happy to be working with the class. During the summer my sister, my cousin, and I go to camp. You really learn a lot about a person after being a week in a tent with other people. We were late for everything because we had to help my cousin get dressed, but we didn't mind. We have always been close, but after that we were even closer. During camp my sister had a little falling out with a friend, but after we came home they cleared it up. Also during the summer we do a lot of things together. We love to go swimming and get a suntan, along with all of the rest of the family. Our family is very close and we love being together, especially my sister and I.