Mother My essay is about my mother, she is someone that everybody needs. She cleans your clothes and sometimes your room. She buys you things for your room and for your whole house. She takes you places and she also goes places with you. mothers give you very much Love. One time me and my mother were walking down town and this man was drunk he was yelling at me and my mother. My mother grabbed my hand and said, "Billy, Let's go" so went went home. When I got home my father was home, my mother told my dad about what happened. He thought it was very funny but it wasn't funny at all I think he was just laughing because he probaly wouldnt have been sceared at all. Well I guess I should tell some of the bad things I do to make my mother mad. I plan what I'm going to do before I asked if I can go somewhere. That makes her so mad. Its not funny. I also make her mad when I talk smart to her when I cant go somewhere. But it's for the Best I guess. My Mom is probaly the best person in the world. she picks up after me and does all of the other things a mother does for her children. She also cooks food for the whole family she does a good job of it. My mom works at Rose Hill it's a place where nurses take care of old people. She says she likes it. There's on thing I have to say I love her very much.