My Life
I can have an exciting life or a boring life.=CC
\-\Right now its {between
exciting and boring,} [RAVFbecause
I'm babysitting a lot.#NuA02]
like to babysit,*INFDO02 \,\CS#01its
just [RNDSthat it always gets {in
the way} {of the fun things} [RAJFI
like to do,] {like
the night {with a friend,} and other things.}]
we were living {on Pebble Run Road,}]
[LAVFwhile we were still packing up [LAVFwhen
we were moving,]] my brother, Bobby,#App01
slept {with me} [RAVFbecause
he was scared.] \-\Anyway#Inj01
I forgot [RNDOthat I was sleeping {in
a different position,} [RAVFsince
my matress was {on the floor.}]]
\-\He was trying to find*INFDO07
the door {in the dark,} [RAVFbecause
he had to use the bathroom,] [RAVFso
he got me up [RAVFso I could help him
find*INFDO04 the door]] \R\RO#02I
was trying to open*INFDO04 a door \C\but
it was a closet door
\C\and it was
jammed.=PV \-\Then
I remembered [RNDOthat I was sleeping
a different position.}] \-\I
told Bobby to be*INFDO04 quiet [RAVFbecause
I heard a noise
{at the front door.}]
\-\It scared me [RAVFso
I got my mom up [RAVFso we could check
and see=CV [RNDOwhat
it was.]]] \-\The
reason [MAJFit was so scary]
is [RNPNbecause we had five door and
about twenty windows=CC {in
the house.}] \-\It
sounded just [RAVFlike our front door
does [RAVFwhen you try to open*INFDO03
it,]] \,\CS#02it
screeches. \-\Then once {in
our house} {in Doren,} one day#NuA02
my dad was cooking \C\and grease splashed
up {on his hand} and {on
the floor.} \-\It caused a fire
my dad burned his hand real bad. \-\First
I started going upstairs
I heard something.] \-\Then
I saw the flame \C\and my dad yelled
us} to get*INFDO06 {out
of the house.} \-\We went {to
our neighbors, Mrs. Evans,#App02
house.} \-\I was scared=PV
and embarrased.=PV=CV \-\I
was embarraced=PV [RAVFbecause
I was wearing a short T-shirt,] \,\CS#03I
was scared [RAVFbecause I didn't know
mom wasn't home#NuA01{at
the time,} \C\but
[LAVFwhen she got home#NuA01]
she was a nervous wreck. \-\The ambulance
had to take my dad {to the emergency room.} \-\He
was okay \R\RO#03{after
that} he has a big scare \C\but
that's not that bad now. \-\I have
a couple other things, \C\but thats
all {for now.}