Betty Evans My Mom
mom is a very nice women [RAVFwhen
she wants to be.*INFDO02]
love my mom a lot#NuA02 [RAVFbecause
she usually gets me [RNDOwhat I want.]]
\-\My mom is always easily to get*INFAV04
along with \C\but don't never dought
her down [RAVFbecause she'll fuse forever.]
mom and dad=CS are always disagreeing {with
one another} [RAVFif you know
I mean.]]
I want something] it takes them forever
to decide*INFDS11 [RNDOwhether
they should get it {for me} or not.]
\-\But you know [RNDOhow
parents are]
always will have their ways
{to a certain point.}
be glad [RAVFwhen I get about 16 years#NuA03
old] [RAVFbecause me and my mom=CS
are going to be riding all {over the place.}]
and dad=CS always talk {about
a lot} {of stuff} {about life.}
always talks {about growing*GerOP02
up and the things to look*INFAJ06 out
for {in life.}} \-\My
mom doesn't like my dad to tell*INFDO07 me
life} [RAVFbecause she's afraid
might tell me something [RAJFI shouldn't
and my parents=CS have lived {in
all sort} {of places} {in the world.} \-\My
parents always like to go*INFDO04{on
trips} [RAVFbecause they say
day#NuA02 they're going to see the whole world
myself#App01 like to fantasize*INFDO20
a movie star or becoming*GerOP04
very rich and buying*GerOP05
a huge house and living*GerOP04
{in style.}} \-\But that's the
way [RAJFI live my life]
[RAVFso I'm going to end this story {with
a good-bye.}]