/-/Kim has been playing*D1 Soccer
[ARsince she was*A1 6 years old. ]/-/Kim really likes*D1 soccer. /c/So
this year=U--02 she decided*D1 to go=IDO120 (to Soccer Camp )to improve=IAV071
her skills (as a goalie. )/c/So she went*- (to camp. )/-/The first day=U--05
(of camp )she was told*P2 to go=IDO050 (into the gym )and to sit=IDO040
down. /-/Then the team (from U.S.A. )University (of Southern Alabama=ANA03
)came*- in and started*D1 to talk=IDO182 about [DOhow you have to dedicate*D1
your-self (to Soccer )]or [DOyou will not succeed*- (in Soccer. )]/-/Then
they put*D1 all (of the kids )(in their age groups. )/-/Then they gave*D1
Kim her Soccer ball and*E to put=IDO061 her name (on it. )/-/Then they
asked*D1 [DOif anyone had played*N1 goalie. ]/-/Kim said*D1 [DOthat she
did*- ]/C/but they would not listen*- (to her. )/c/So they put*- her (in
the center position. )/-/They practiced*- (for the goalie, )/S/Kim was
watching*D1 them. /-/Then Coach Roy Patten=ANA02 came*- over and yelled*-
(at Kim )(for not paying=GOP091 )attention (to him )[ARwhile he was talking.*-
]/-/She said*D1 [DOwas*A1 Sorry ]/C/but he wouldn't listen*- (to her. )/-/They
went*- inside to eat=IAV031 lunch. /-/Everyone was staring*- (at Kim )[ARbecause
she was*N1 the only girl there, ]/C/but Kim didn't mind.*D0 /c/So she just
kept*D1 one eating.=GDO010 /-/[ALAfter lunch was*A1 over ]the coach said*D1
to go=IDO030 outside. /-/Then they started*D1 to chest=IDO041 the ball.
/-/Kim just stood*- there and refused*D1 to chest=IDO041 the ball. /c/So
[ALafter they had finished*D1 chesting=GDO031 the ball, ]they started*D1
to scrimmage=IDO071 the under 16 yr. olds. /c/So they asked*- (for goalies.
)/-/Kim said*D1 [DOthat she wanted*D1 to ]/C/but they said*D1 no!! just
[ARbecause she was*N1 a girl. ]/-/Kim got*A1 real mad /C/but, Kim kept*D1
it (to herself. )/c/So [ALafter they finished*D1 scrimmaging=GDO010 ]the
score was*N1 6-0 (the other teams favor. )/-/Then everybody went*- home,=U--01
/S/Kim told*D1 her mom [DOthat her day was*A1 great ]/c/But it wasen't*A0
/c/So the second day=U--07 [JLKim went*- out (to camp )]the people were
getting*A1 nicer, /C/but the coach still didn't like*D1 Kim. /-/Then they
stayed*- inside and played*D1 indoor soccer /C/but they still would not
let*D1 Kim play=IDO031 goalie. /-/[ALWhen they started*D1 to play=IDO020
]Kim scored*D1 4 goals, /S/then the kids warmed*- up (to her, )/C/but the
coach still would not listen.*- /c/So [ALafter they had*D1 their lunch,
]They all watched*D1 Pele movies. /-/Then (after that )they all went*-
home.=U--01 /-/The next day=U--03 Kim finaly got*D1 her change. /-/She
got*D1 to play=IDO071 goalie [ARliked she wanted*D1 to. ]/-/She really
showed*D1 them up. /-/There were*N1 46 shots (on her. )/-/None went*- in.
/-/(At the end )(of the game )the Score was*N1 12-0 /R/Kim's team won.*-
/-/The coach came*- over and told*D1 Kim [DO[ALif she wanted*D1 to ]she
could go*- work=IAV060 (with Joe )A pro. goalie=A--03 and pratice=IAV050
(as a goalie, )]/S/Kim said*D1 [DOthat she always wanted*D1 to be=IDO041
a goalie. ]/-/The coach said*D1 [DO"Why didn't you tell*D1 me?" ]/-/Kim
said*D1 [DO"I tried*D1 to ]/C/but you wouldn't listen*- (to me." )/c/So
(after that day, )She went*- home.=U--01 /-/Kim told*D1 her mom [DOwhat
had happened*- that day.=U--02 ]/-/The last day=U--05 (of camp )every team
was subpose*P1 to play=IDO041 each other /R/Kims team got*-1P (in to the
finals. )/-/They had*D1 to have=IDO051 a shoot out. /-/No!! goals were
scored*P (on Kim, )[ARso Kim went*- and took*D1 the shots (for her team
)]/R/Kim made*D1 all (of them. )/-/The score was*N1 10-5. /c/So Kim finaly
got*D1 her chance. !!!!!!!!