/-/You walk*- (out the front
door )/R/the sun is shining*- /C/and the sky is*A1 full (of clouds. )/-/You
get*- (in the back )(of the truck )and sit*- down. /-/The driver pulls*-
(out of the driveway, )/C/and you hear*D1 the birds singing=SDO030 [ARas
you slowly go*- (down the road. )]/-/The driver speeds*- up, /S/your hair
blows*- every which way=U--03 sometimes beating=P--06 you (in the face.
)/-/You get*- up and look*- (to the front )(of the truck. )/-/You see*D2
the new road and all the trees surrounding=P--03 the road /C/and you take*-
in a deep breath (of the mountain air. )/-/It smells*A1 so good. /-/You
look at*D2 the trees and the colors (on them. )/-/They're are*A1 so many
[ARyou cant imagine.*D0 ]/-/You look*- (to the ground )/R/the lines (on
the road )go racing*- by. /-/You try*D1 to count=IDO031 them /C/but your
eyes begin*D1 to play=IDO051 tricks (on you. )/-/Suddenly the truck begins*D1
to slow=IDO030 down /C/and you hold*- on [ARso you don't hit*D1 the cab
(of the truck. )]/-/It turns*- (to the left )and goes*- (up a dirt road.
)/-/Your looking*- around /C/and you see*D1 a couple (of deer. )/-/The
truck stops*- /R/you jump*- (out of the truck )and look*- around. /-/You
see*D1 a couple (of squirrells )playing.=P--01 /-/You begin*D1 to walk=IDO020
/R/you walk*- (for an 1/2 hour )(up the side )(of the mountain )/C/but
it was*A1 worth it [ARbecause the view takes*D1 your breath away. ]/-/You
can see*- (for miles. )/-/You walk*- out (on a rock ledge )/R/carful not
to fall=IAV030 you look*- out. /-/You can see*D2 all the fields and houses
[JRyou passed*D0 (on the way )up. ]/-/The air will take*D1 your breath
away. /-/Then you slowly walk*- back down. !!!!!!!!