/-/You walk*- (down the street )one or two houses=U--06 maybe more. /-/You see*D1 a house being=SDO130 built ruining=P--09 the lot [JRwhere children could go*- and play.*- ]/-/(Beyond the house )there is*N1 a shed, /C/and (behind that )there is*N1 a path. A steep path,=A--09 [IJyou might think*D1 ]but not really. /-/You see*D2 a tree and then a huge rock. /-/You can sit*- (on the rock )and watch*D1 the cars go=IDO040 by. /-/[ALAfter you get tired*P (of resting=GOP010 and watching=GOP061 the cars )go=IDO040 by, ]go*- further (down the path. )/-/You will see*D1 a tree (with an old birds nest )(in it. )/-/Follow*D1 the creek (under a bridge. )/-/You can get*-1P (out of the creek )and follow*D1 another path. /-/This is*N1 a short path. /-/There is*N1 a fork (in the path. )/-/(At one end )there is*N1 nothing, /C/but (at the other end )there is*N1 a very old house. /-/The house is*A1 creepy (at first. )/c/But [ALonce you smell*D1 the smell (of old insulation and rotting=P--01 wood )]its*A1 quite nice. /-/The down stairs you will see*D2 a large room and then a bathroom. /-/The bathroom looks*A1 brand new. Well almost brand new,=AAJ04 /S/I mean*D1 [DOthe toilet is*- still there. ]/-/The kitchen is*A1 very large. /-/The floor is*A1 so weak [ARno one dares*D1 to walk=IDO040 (on it. )]/-/Go*- upstairs. /-/The steps are*-1P (on the outside )(of the house, )/C/and they slant*- sideways. /-/There is*N1 a tree growing=SOT060 (up the middle. )/-/The house has*D1 openings (for windows, )/C/but there arent*N1 any. /-/The house is boarded*P up, (except the doors. )/-/(On your way )back there isnt*N3 a path. Only poison ivy vines and stumps. /-/(On the way )[ALwhere it turns*- (from woods )(to someones yard )]there is*N1 a row (of pine trees. )/-/One (of the trees )has*D1 a tree-stand (in it. )/-/[ALAfter you go*- (in the house )]a few years will pass,*- /C/and you will still remember*D1 the house [ARas though you were*-1P (in it )just yesterday. ]!!!!!!!!