/-/[ALIf you want*D1 to go=IDO060
(to aunt Jones )]you should pack*- [ARbecause its*N1 a long trip, ]/S/you
will go*- (on a beltway )/R/(on the side )(of the beltway )theres*N1 a
ramp [JRthat leads*- (to a place )[JRthat has*D2 a gas station, and food
places. ]]/-/Go*- straight (to the left )/R/head*- on (out of this place
)(to a small town )called=P--02 greenwood /R/there you go*- straight (to
the left )(out of town )and turn*- (to the right )(on to the highway )/R/you
are*- about 30 miles=U--03 away (from aunt Jones )/R/you go*- straight
(to the right )(to a city )called=P--02 indiana /f/it*E a big place (with
all kinds )(of shopping malls, stores, restruants, minature gold course
& other things. )/-/(On your way )(to aunt jeans )you will pass*D1
a place called=P--03 fantsy land. /-/then you go*- on straiht (pass fantsy
land )/R/you go*- [ARtill there*E a road (on the left )]/R/you turn*- there
/R/you go*- (around a coal mine & railroad tracks, )/S/then you turn*-
left again (across a bridge )(to a village )[JRthat has*D1 one store, ]called,=P--03
crickside pa. /R/theres*N1 about 300 people living=P--02 there. /-/you
go*- straight (out of crickside, )(pass a big fancy house. Then a couple
other )/R/you go*- (to a road )[JRwhere there*E three house two (on the
left )]/C/& the other has*D1 a dirt road (with a lot )(of trees )[ARbecause
this is*N1 the country ]/R/you go*- (down the road )(over the fancy bridge
)(to my aunts house )/R/she owns*D4 about 150 acres (of land )there a farm
house cows & horse. /-/aunt jean comes*- out to greet=IAV031 you. /-/You
talk about*D1 [DOwhat you see*D1 (on your way )there. ]/-/its*N1 about
dinner time [ARso you eat*- (with her )]/R/you talk*- some, /S/then you
want*D1 to play=IDO050 (with the computer. )then go*- to sleep=IAV050 (in
the waterbed. )/-/you wake*- up smelling=P--04 bacon & eggs /R/you
eat*D1 breakfast. brush*D1 your teeth, /S/then you talk*- some more. /-/Go*-
out (on the porch )/f/there*E a steam [JRthat runs*- (into the lake. )]/c/but
she still has*D1 a swiming pool. /-/you go*- fishin=GAV040 (in the lake.
)the go*- swiming.=GAV010 wash*- up eat*D1 lunch get dressed*P up go*-
shopping=GAV030 (in dnbar )then eat.*- /-/(When the weekend )you can go*-
(to fantsy land )& ride*D1 all the rides /R/it is*N1 fun. /-/it is*-1P
just (like king domin )/R/you eat*- go*- home=U--01 watch*D1 television,
talk,*- then sleep.*- all=A--07 (in a week )(at aunt jeans. )!!!!!!!!