/-/[ALIf you want*D1 to see=IDO041 Grandma Mae, ]you'll have to either walk*- or ride*- (in a car )to get=IAV150 (to Grandma Maes' house )(in the North Fork Camp Sights )(on Strasburg road. )/-/[ALWhen you get*- there ]you turn*- right /C/and her house is*N1 the first one (on the right. )/-/Its*A2 very neat & tidy /C/and you can do*D1 a lot (of things )there. /-/you can sit*- (on the front porch )and swing,*- /C/or you could get*D1 your fishing pole and fish*- (on the pond )right next door. /c/But first [ALwhen you get*- there ]Grandma Mae will say*D1 [DO"Take*D1 your shoes (before entering=GOP031 the house. )]/-/[ALWhen you get*- inside ]she will say*D1 [DO"Would you like*D1 something to eat=IAJ020 or drink"=IAJ020 ]/C/and [ALwhile your waiting*- ]she'll say*D1 [DO"Make*D1 yourself (at home." )]/-/[ALAfter your finished*D1 eating=GDO010 ]and [ALyou want*D1 some dessert ]she'll give*D1 you your choice either chocolate cake,=A--03 carrot cake,=A--02 and bannana pudding=A--06 (with vanilla waffers. )/-/[ALWhen your finish*D1 your dessert ]Grandma Mae and Grandaddy Charlie will wash*D1 dishes and sit*- down and watch*D1 T.V. /-/Grandma Mae will say*D1 [DO"Did you get*D1 enough to eat=IDO031 ]/R/would you like*D1 some more"? /-/She'll ask*D1 you [DOwould you like*D1 to take=IDO091 a ride (with me and Grandaddy Charlie )]/C/and [ALwhen you get*- back ]it will probably be*A1 dark /C/and you will go*- to sleep=IAV020 /C/and the next day=U--03 you will have*D1 just as much fun (as yesterday. )!!!!!!!!