/-/[ALIf you want*D1 to go=IDO060
(to Florida )(by car )]you must plan*D1 to drive=IDO030 awhile. /-/My mom,
dad, and brother took*D1 turns driving.=GAV010 /-/It seemed*- [ARlike we
would never make*D1 it. ]/-/I had*D1 trouble sleeping=GAV010 [ARbecause
it was*A1 always hot (from sun up )(to sun down. )]/-/[ALWhen you woke*-
up ]you were sweating.*- /-/I tried*D2 listening to=GDO031 music, and playing=GDO031
cards. /-/(After a while )I got tired*P (of doing=GOP031 those things.
)/-/[ALAs we got*- farther down (to Florida )]the sights and smells started*D1
to change.=IDO02 /-/One minute=U--02 it was*A1 hot /C/and the next minute=U--03
it was pouring*D1 down rain. /-/(For 1 day solid )we had been driving.*-
/-/Every couple=U--04 (of hours )we would stop*- (for something )to eat,=IAJ020
or just to stretch.=IAV040 /-/[ALWhen we got*- (to Orlando, Florida )]we
stayed*- (in our hotel room )(for the evening. )/-/The next morning=U--03
we got up*- early and went*- (to breakfast. )/-/(At Disney World )we rode*D1
some roller-coaster rides. /-/We walked*- (through the park )looking=P--08
(in the different shops )(along the way. )/-/[ALWhile we were*-1P (in the
park )]we ate*D1 lunch and went*- (to some talent shows. )/-/We stayed*-
(at Orlando )(for one whole week. )/-/Then we packed up*D1 our things and
drove*- 400 more miles=U--03 (to Miami Beach. )/-/There we checked*- (into
a hotel )and then went*- out and got*D1 dinner. /-/[ALWhen we got*- back
(to the hotel )]we watched*D1 T.V. and went*- (to bed. )/-/First thing=U--05
(in the morning )I got*D1 my swimming trunks on and went*- (to the beach.
)/-/Our hotel was*-1P right (on the beach )[ARso [ALif I got tired*P ]I
could walk*- back (to the hotel room. )]/-/That night=U--02 we went*- out
and seen*D1 the sights. /-/(In Miami )there was*N1 huge coconuts (on the
coconut trees. )/-/[ALRWhile*E driving ]you could see*D1 the palm trees
and smell*D1 the beautiful flowers. /-/(After a week )(at Miami )we started*-
(on our long journey )home,=U--01 driving=P--10 one day=U--05 (to the next
)(for 3 days )straight. !!!!!!!!