/-/[ALAs you are*-1P (on your
way )(to grandma's house )[JLwhich*E a very long way=U--02 away. ]]You
travel*- (by a car )(along the highway )seeing=P--06 the birds (in the
sky. )/-/The nice freash air is*A1 very good (for you. )/-/[ALAs you make*D1
a stop about half-way there ]you get*D1 something to drink=IAJ020 /C/and
you are*-1P (on your way )again. Wishing=P--10 [DOyou were*- already there
]making=P--051 pictures (out of clouds. )/f/[ALWhen*E you finally arrive*-
(at her very long driveway )going=P--03 very slow and tasting=P--051 the
best cooking ever. ]/-/[ALAs you finally get*- there (from a very old dusty
road )smelling=P--031 the cooking [ALas you get*- (out of the car. )]]You
get*-1P (into the house )and give*D1 her a kiss and ask*- (for the food.
)/-/[ALAs you are discussing*D1 the drive (on the way )up there any ]you
are still eating.*- /-/Then comes*- the desert. /-/It is*N2 usaully a real
big cake or pie. /-/You sit*- outside (with your dessert )watching=P--071
the birds fly=IDO060 (over the pond. )/-/Then [ALwhen you finish*- (with
desert )]you take*D1 a long walk [ARso all the food [JMyou ate*D0 ]won't
show*- (though your pants. )]/f/*EThen [ALas you walk*- (down the old dusty
old road )smelly=P--061 the flower (along the way )having=P--061 a few
dogs following=SDO051 you ]/C/but dont worry*- (about them )/R/they don't
bite*- /-/(At least )they haven't bit*D1 me yet! /c/but don't worry*- /R/they
are*N1 just little dogs. /-/[ALAs you make*D1 it back (to the house )]you
see*D1 [DOthat your grandmother has packed*D1 up all the left-overs (for
you )to take=IOP040 home.=U--01 ]/-/[ALAs you take*D1 her up (on her offer
)(about the food )]you give*D2 her best wishes and a kiss and take*- off
[ARbefore she changes*D1 her mind ]and wait*- (until another trip )(to
grandma's house. )!!!!!!!!