/-/There's*N1 a place [JRyou go*- up (in the hills )]no one else=S--05 (for miles. )/-/You go*- part=U--04 (of the way )(in car )/R/*Ethe rest (on bike )[ARbecause theres*N1 no room (for a car. )]/-/You smell*D1 the bueatiful flowers /C/and birds sing*D1 a lovely song. /-/You hear*D1 a stream's water rushing=SDO070 (in the distance. )/-/You pass*D1 old houses abandoned=P--060 (by owners )years=U--01 ago. /-/Then, drop*D1 your bike (to the ground )and go*- (on foot )/R/its*A1 more beautiful (like that. )/-/the road is*A1 long /C/but [IJmind*D1 it ]the beauty (of the surrounding=P--01 area )will shorten*D1 it. /-/Open*D1 the long green gate /R/be*A1 sure to shut=IAV051 it (behind you. )/-/Go*- (to the steps )(around the side )(of the house. )/-/Go*- up. /-/Knock*- twice, /S/then go*- in. /-/An elderly woman will come*- out (with hair )as white (as silver. )/-/She'll give*D1 you a pleasant look (with her big blue eyes )and ask*D1 you [DOhow you are.*- ]/-/Fine you say*D1 [ARif thats*N1 [PNwhat you mean.*D1 ]]/-/She'll hand*D1 you a glass (of ice cold water )(with hands )so full (with years )(of work )/-/Then go*- up (to the highest hill )and sit*- to watch=IAV182 the bunnies hop=IDO060 (into the woods. )The deer eating=SDO101 grass (with the birds )flying=SOP050 (over head. )/-/Look*- (down the other side )/R/there*E a school there [JRnot been use*P (for years. )]Now burnt=P--02 and abandoned=P--02 still beautiful as ever /R/you turn*- to see=IAV041 the house /C/but you see*D1 the water spring /-/Running=P--08 (down the hill )to take=IAV041 a look you see*D1 the flower bed !!!!!!!!