/-/Cheryl was*- always there [ARwhen I needed*D1 her, ]/S/[ALwhen I had*D1 secrets to tell=IAJ020 ]I could tell*D1 her /C/and she never would tell*D1 anyone else. /-/I always loved*D1 going=GDO120 down (to her house )to ride=IAV041 her horse and goof=IAV030 around. /-/Cheryl was*N1 a girl [JRwho my parents liked*D1 a lot, ]/C/and her parents were*A1 really nice too /-/We mostly liked*D1 the same things /R/we played*D1 softball every summer=U--02 together /C/and we were*-1P (with each other )almost all the time=U--04 /R/we were just like*N1 sisters! /-/[ALWhenever we fought*- ]it would never last*- (for very long, )[ARbecause we would just laugh*- and think about*D1 [DOhow stupid we were.*A1 ]]/-/(In school )one (of us )never got*-1P (in trouble )(without the other one being=SOP070 (in it )to. /-/Now [ALthat I've moved*- (to Front Royal )]I feel*A1 lost. /-/I have*D1 lots (of friends )here /C/but no one will ever be*A1 as close (to me )[ARas Cheryl was.*A0 ]/-/I don't really have*D1 a hard time making=GAV021 friends, /C/but having=GNS071 a friend [JMwho's like*N1 a sister ]will probally never be*-1P (like that )(to me )again. /-/I can still always see*D3 her bright blue eyes and her blond hair and her metally smile just hoppingly=P--03 around and laughing=P--08 [ARwhen we were*-1P (around each other. )]/-/We both had*D1 other friends /C/but it's*- [ARlike they didn't mean*D1 as much (to me )[ARas Cheryl did.*- ]]/-/She will probally be*N1 one (of my best friends )forever. !!!!!!!!