/-/My friend Pat is*N1 a really smart student. /-/She's not even concerned*- (with her friends )[ARbecause she likes*D1I to keep=IDO091 her mind (on schoolwork )(at all times. )]/-/There's*N1 a guy (in her class )named=P--02 Jody [JRwho really is fascinated*P (with the way )[JRshe keeps*- up (in everything. )]]/-/[ALWhen he tried*D1I to talk=IDO040 (to her )or just being=P--041 nice, ]she simply says,*D1 [DO"would you please get*- away! ]/-/Can't you see*D1 [DOI'm*A1 busy?" ]/c/So Jody justs sits*- back down and just looks at*D1 her and dreams*- (about asking=GOP031 her out and her saying=GOP041 yes. )/-/Jody tries*D1I very hard to make=IDO091 some polite and nice passes (at her )/C/but all [JMhe really does*D0 ]is*N1 just make=IPN061 her=IEL041 mad (at him. )/-/One early Saturday morning,=U--04 Pat walked*- down (to a field )(below her house )to get=IAV071 some leaves (for a collection. )/-/She notices*D1 Jody (on the other side )(of the pond )fishing.=GAV010 /-/[ALWhen Jody notices*D1 her, ]he blurts*D1 out a big "Hello Pat" and begins*D1I to wave=IDO071 his hand (above his head. )/-/Pat just puts*D1 a funny expression (on her face )and waves*- just slightly. /-/[ALWhile Pat was gathering*D1 leaves, ]Jody was coming*- (around the pond )to walk=IAV060 up (to the feild )and talk=IAV040 (to her. )/-/[ALWhen she saw*D1 him coming=SDO020 ]she just rolled*D1 her eyes and said*D1 (to herself )[DO"Go*- Away!" ]/-/Jody walked*- right up (to her )and said*D1 "[DODo you need*D1 any help getting=GOP031 those leaves?" ]/-/Pat looked at*D1 him (with a mean expression )(on her face )and said*D1 [DO"All I need*D0 is*N2 a willow leaf and a red cherry leaf ]/C/but how would you know*D1 [DOwhat that is?"*N1 ]/-/He said*D1 [DO"Oh! there is*N1 a red cherry tree right over there (next to the bank. )]/-/[ALIf you would,*D0 ]I'll go*- get=IAV061 you a leaf (from it." )/-/Pat said*D1 "Whatever." /-/Right (over the bank )Jody went*- /C/and about a few seconds=U--04 later right back up he came*- (with a nice, healthy Red Cherry leaf )[JRwhich he handed*D1 (to her. )]/-/Pat looked at*D1 him (in total wonder )and said*D1 [DO"would you like*D1I to help=IDO071 me find=IDO051 the willow leaf?" ]/-/"Sure!" he said.*D1 /-/"I really enjoy*D1 a lot (about leaves )/C/and I can probably tell*D1 you [DOwhere every leaf (in your book )is*- (in this feild." )]/-/"Come*- (with me )/C/and take*D1 ya (to the Willow tree )/C/and ya can get*D1 your leaf." /-/Pat had*D1 a slight smile come=IDO070 (over her face )/C/and she said*D1 "Okay!" /-/The willow tree was*-1P right (beside the pond. )/-/"Thanks a lot!"=U--02 said*D1 Pat [ARas she had*D0 (of amazement )(on her face. )]/-/"You will have to come*- (with me )one day=U--02 and tell*D1 me (about your great acknowledgement )(on leaves." )/-/[DO"I'd like*D1 that" ]said*D1 Jody. /-/Then Jody took*D1 her right hand and said*D1 [DO"Can I talk*D1 you (to the other side )(of this field." )]/-/Pat really didn't know*D1I what to say,=IDO031 /C/but finally she threw*D1 a big smile (on her face )and said*D1 "Sure!" /c/So together, hand=SAV030 (in hand )they walked*- (through the field )(as two good friends )!!!!!!!!