/-/There was*N1 a big race Saturday.=U--01
/-/It was*N1 a car race. /-/There were*N1 only two contestants. Jim=A--05
[JRwho owned*D1 a Camaro ]and Bille=A--07 [JRwho owned*D1 a Dodge Charger.
]/-/The winner would recieve*D1 a $500.00 award. /-/Jim and Billy werent
really after*D1 the money, /S/they were trying*D1I to impress=IDO041 a
girl. /-/Her name was*N1 Samantha /C/and she was*-1P (in the eleventh grade.
)/-/Jim and Billy were*-1P also (in the eleventh grade. )/-/All three were*A1
very popular (in the high school )(in the county )[JRwhere they lived.*-
]/-/It was*N1 Wednesday /C/and there were*N1 only three more days (untill
the big race. )/-/Everyone was looking*- forward (to this race. )/-/Jim
saw*D1 Samantha (in the hall. )/-/He almost approached*D1 her /C/but just
[ALas he was*A1 about to do=IAV031 so ]one (of Samanthas friends )walked*-
up (to her )/C/and Jim wanted*D1I to get=IDO031 her [ARwhen she was*A1
alone. ]/-/Jim went*- on (to class. )/-/He couldnt concentrate*- (on any
)(of his work. )/-/(After class )he seen*D1 Samantha again. /-/This time=U--02
she was*A1 alone. /c/So he went*- up (to her )and asked*D1 her [DOif she
might want*d1I to go=IDO040 out sometime. ]/-/Her reply was*N1 [PN"I don't
think*D1 so right now ]/C/but [ALif I got to know*D1 you a little=U--02
better-- ]/-/[ALbefore she could even finish,*D0 ]Billy went*- up (to her
)and asked*D1 her to go=IDO070 out (with him )friday.=U--01 /-/She didn't
quite know*D1 what to say=IDO031 /C/but she said*D1 [DO"I am*A1 sure [ARyou
both are*A1 very nice, ]]/C/but I need*D1I to get=IDO091 to know=IDO071
you both a little=U--02 better." /-/Billy said*D1 [DO"(After the race )the
winner takes*D1 you out." ]/-/Samantha said*D1 [DOthat she did not determine*D1
her dates (by a race )]and [DOthat she would find*D1 a better way to settle=IAJ031
this (after the race. )]/-/They both agreed.*- /-/Thursday passed*- /C/and
so did*- Friday. /-/Finally it was*N1 Saturday the big day.=A--03 /-/Billy
tried*D1I to start=IDO061 a fight (with Jim )that day=U--02 [ARbecause
he wanted*D1I to scare=IDO041 him off [ARso he could*D1 Samantha all (to
himself. )]]/-/Jim insisted*D1I to settle=IDO081 this the way=U--05 [JRSamantha
wanted*D1 to. ]/-/He said*D1 [DO"(After all )fighting=GNS010 would not
make*D1 much (of a difference )(in Samantha desesion. )]/-/[ALSince Jim
would not fight*D1 Billy, ]Billy decided*D1I to do=IDO041 something drastric.
/-/He decided*D1 to cut=IDO081 the brake line (on Jims car )[ARso that
Jim would end up*- (in the hospital. )]/-/Then Samantha could only pick*D1
himself [ARbecause he would be*N1 the only one left=P--03 to pick.=IAV020
]/-/Jim and Samantha was watching*D1 Billy very closely. /-/They watched*D1
Billy pay=IDO111 off someone to cut=IAV071 the brakeline (on Jims car.
)/-/Jim did not start*D1 anything /R/he just got*D1 his mechanic to fix=IDO061
the car. /-/The race was*A1 about to start.=IAV020 /-/There was*N1 only
one rule. /-/You could not purposely bump*D1 your car (into your opponents
car. )/-/Billy did not obey*D1 rule. /-/He done*D1 exactly [DOwhat he was
not supposed*P to. ]/-/He knocked*D1 Jims car (off the trak. )/-/Billy
made*D1I it look like=IDO051 an accident. /-/No one could convince*D1 the
judges [ARso Billy won*D1 the race. ]/-/Billy and Jim went*- up (to Samantha
)to see=IAV061 [DOwhat her decision was.*N1 ]/-/She said,*D1 [DO"I have
watched*D1 you both very carefully. ]/-/Billy you have done*D1 some nasty
things. /-/First you tried*D1I to start=IDO061 a fight (with Jim, )/S/then
you cut*D1 his brake line, /S/you could have killed*D1 him, /S/then you
unfairlly won*D1 the race (by pushing=GOP061 Jims car )(off the trak. )/-/You
know*D1 just as well [ARas I do*D0 ][DOyou meant*D1 to. ]/-/That just is*N1
not the way to approach=IAJ041 a girl. /-/I have chosen*D1 Jim." !!!!!!!!