/-/There are*N2 two boys and a girl. /-/The two boys were*N2 Bobby Jackson and Keith Leonard. /-/It's*N1 the first day back (to school )/-/There was*N2 new people and new faces, /C/but bobby and Keith were*N1 old friends (from last year. )/-/There was*N1 a girl (in school )/R/she was*A1 new /-/Her name was*N1 Tina Stevens, /S/she had*D2 blonde hair and light blue eyes, /S/she was*A1 really pretty. /-/[ALWhen the guys caught*D1 sight (of her )]they fell*- (in love )(with her. )/-/They started*D1 to argue=IDO040 (over her, )and [OPwho would get to take*D1 her out first (to the back (to school dance )coming=P--060 up (in a few days. )]/-/Both Boys had planned*- (on going=GOP030 (to it and taking=GOP041 a date. )/-/They both wanted*D1I to take=IDO031 Tine (of course. )/c/So one day=U--04 (during school )Bobby went*- up (to Tina )and introduces*D1 himself Then asks*D1 [DOif she is going*- (to the dance, )]/S/She says*D1 [DOyes I guess.*D0 ]/-/Do you have*D1 a date? /-/No I don't.*D0 /-/Then he says*D1 [DO"Will you go*- (with me?" )]/-/Then Tina says*D1 [DO"I'll think about*D1 it." ]/-/[ALWhen Bobby leaves*- ]Keith goes*- up (to Tina )and introduces*D1 himself too. /-/Then he asks*D1 her [DOif she'll go*- (to the dance )(with him. )]/-/She says*D1 [DO"I'll have to think about*D1 it." [AREven though someone has already asked*D1 me. ]]/-/She takes*D1 about two days (for her )to decide=IOP111 which one to go=IDO080 with (to the dance. )/-/She finally decides*D1 to go=IDO040 (with Bobby. )/-/The next day=U--03 she told*D1 Bobby [DOthat she will go*- (to the dance )(with him, )]/S/he is*A1 so happy. /-/[ALWhen Tina tells*D1 Keith [DOthat she is going*- (to the dance )(with some else, )]]he wasn't*A1 to happy (about it, )/C/but he says*D1 maybe next time.=U--02 /-/Bobby tries*D1 to talk=IDO040 (to Keith. )/-/Keith listens*- a little,=U--02 /S/he asks*D1 Bobby [DOif he has*D1 a date (for the dance. )]/-/Bobby says*D1 [DO"Yes, I'm going*- (with the new girl )Tina."=ANA01 ]/-/Bobby asks*D1 Keith the same question. /-/Keith says*D1 [DO"Yes, I'm going*- (with a girl )named=P--02 Michelle. ]/-/[ALAfter they had told*D1 each other [DOwho they were going*- (to the dance )with. ]]Keith got*A1 a little=U--02 upset, /C/but then he says,*D1 [DO"I guess*D1 [DOyou win*D1 some ]]/C/and you lose*D1 some." /-/Bobby says*D1 "Better luck next time."=U--02 /-/Keith says*D1 "Yeh, maybe." /-/Can we be*N1 best buddies again? /-/Bobby says*D1 "Yeh, sure." But (on one condition )[APthat we don't get*-1P (into any more arguments. )]/-/Keith says*D1 "yeh okay." /c/So Keith and Bobby became*N1 best buddies once again (for the rest )(of the lives. )!!!!!!!!