/-/This story took*D1 place
(in Tampa Bay Florida )(in 1938. )/-/It was*N1 a very hot day down (in
Florida. )/-/Everybody was swimming*- or walking*- (through the park. )/-/This
story is about*D1 a boy [JRthat talks*- to much, ]/C/and his name is*N1
Steve. /-/One day=U--02 he was walking*- (through the park )/C/and he meet*-
up (with a boy )named=P--02 Tim. /-/Tim and Steve meet*- up (with each
other )/C/and Steve was running*D1 his mouth a mile=U--02 a minute=U--02
/R/Tim ask*D1 Steve [DOwho he was talking*- to ]and [DOwhat he said*D1
]/C/but Steve just kept*D1 taking=GDO010 [ARso Tim start*D1 jogging=GDO010
and jogged*- all the way=U--03 home.=U--01 ]/-/The next day=U--03 Steve
meet*- up (with Tim )(at the beach. )/-/Tim was lying*- (in the sun. )/-/Steve
was running*D1 his mouth /C/and Tim got*A1 mad and got*D1 his stuff together
and left.*- /-/Tim was walking*- home=U--01 /C/and he said*D1 hi (to his
mom )and went*- (to his room )and turned on*D1 his Radio and listen to*D2
his records and Tapes. /-/Then he seen*D1 Steve (at his window )/C/and
Tim went*- out side and Told*D1 Steve to go=IDO040 home=U--01 /C/and he
did.*- /-/The next day was*N1 school /C/and Tim was doing*D1 a lab (in
Science class )/C/and There was*N1 a liquid (on the table )/C/and steve
drank*D1 it. /-/Steve stop*D1 talking.=GDO010 /-/Tim ask*D1 Steve [DOwhat
is*A1 wrong. ]/-/Steve said*D1 Nothing. /-/Steve is not running*D1 he's
mouth a mile=U--02 a minute=U--02 any more. /-/[ALWhen somebody asked*D1
him a question ]he answer*D1 it and kept*D1 his mouth=IEL021 shut. /-/Steve
and Tim became*N1 best friend forever. !!!!!!!!