/-/It began*- (on a hot August day )(in Wheaton, California. )[ARWhen Jessica Swan was sitting*- (in her room )thinking=P--060 (about the summer )long past.=P--02 ]/-/She was*A1 now 16 years old. /-/She decided*D1 [DOthat she needed*D1 a change. ]/-/Just then the phone rang.*- /-/It was*N1 her best friend, Ashley Ren.=ANA02 /-/She had called*- to ask=IAV151 [DOif she was interested*P (in going=GOP080 )(to the mall )(with her and Scott. )]/-/Scott Washington was*N1 Ashley's boyfriend. /-/Ashley was*N1 a cheerleader (at Lourne High School. )/-/Scott was*-1P (on the football team. )/-/His best friend was*N1 Jeff Brown. /-/Jeff was*N1 a very nice guy /C/or (at least )that's*N1 [PNwhat Jessica thought.*D1 ]/-/Then Jessica heard*D1 Ashley ask=IDO030 again. /-/Jessica said*D1 sure [ARso 10 minutes=U--02 later they showed*- up. ]/-/[ALAs they walked*- (through the mall, )]Suddenly Scott noticed*D1 Jeff (with his younger sister )Misty.=ANA01 /-/Scott jumped*- up & down calling=P--021 him. /-/Finally he got*D1 he's attention. /-/Jeff said*D1 [DOthey were looking for*D1 a anniversary present (for their parents. )]/-/Scott asked*D1 [DOif we could join*D1 them. ]/-/Jeff said*D1 O.K. /-/They finally found*D1 a lead crystal vase (for their anniversary )/-/We ate*D1 lunch (at a restaurant. )/-/[ALWhile they were*- ]Jeff & Scott were talking*- (about the christmas dance )coming=P--02 up. /-/[ALWhen they got*- home=U--01 ]Jessica ask*D1 Ashley [DOif she would like*D1 to stay=IDO060 the night=U--02 (with her. )]/-/[ALWhen Jeff & Scott had been*A1 long gone=PPA02 ]Jessica asked*D1 Ashley [DOwhat she thought*D1 (of Jeff. )]/-/Ashley said*D1 [DOshe thought*D1 [DOhe was*A1 to quite ]]/C/but he was*A1 ok. /-/then Ashley asked*D1 Jessica [DOwhat she thought*D1 (about Jeff. )]/-/Jessica said*D1 [DOthat she thinks*D1 [DOhes*N1 a nice guy. ]]/-/Then Ashly said*D1 [DO"why don't I call*D1 Scott & ask*D1 him to ask=IDO111 Jeff (to the football game )(on friday night." )]/-/Jessica agreed.*- /-/(On Friday night )[JLwhen they picked*D1 up Jessica. ]She was dressed*P (in a very nice short dress. )/-/[ALWhen they arrived*- (at the football game. )]Scott had to meet*- (with the rest )(of the team )/C/& Ashley had to warm*- up (with the rest )(of the cheerleaders. )/c/So Jeff & Jessica sat*- (on the bleachers )together. /-/Then Jeff asked*D1 [DOif she would like*D2 a soda or a candy bar. ]/-/She said*D1 "yes." /c/So they went*- up (to the refreshment stand )to get=IAV041 a soda. /-/[ALAfter the game was*A1 over ]they took*D1 Jessica home.=U--01 /-/[ALWhen she was saying*D1 good-bye (to Jeff )]she asked*D1 him (to the Christmas dance. )/-/He accepted*D1 her inventaon. /-/Final the dance came*- around. /-/Jeff & Jessica had been seeing*D1 a lot (of each other. )/-/That afternoon=U--02 Ashley & Jessica went*- shopping=GAV010 /-/They went*- (to Antonios. )/-/They bought*D1 two (of the most beautiful dresses. )/-/Ashleys was*A1 blue (with white lace. )/-/Jessicas was*A1 yellow (with white lace & a pair )(of matching=P--01 earrings. )/-/They were*-1P (at Ashleys house )[ARwhen the guys came*- to pick=IAV041 them up. ]/-/Jeff was*-1P (in a white tux )(with a yellow corsage )(for Jessica. )/-/Scott was*-1P (in a dark blue tux )(with a white corsage )(for Ashley. )/-/They arrived*- (at the dance )(at 7:30 )/R/they danced*- & talked*- (with there friends. )/-/Then the announcer said*D1 [DOit was*N1 time to pick=IAJ062 Mr. & Mrs. Claus. ]/-/Jessica & Jeff were dancing*- (on the floor )(with Ashley & Scott. )/-/[ALAfter a few people fall*- (out of the dance )]Jeff & Jessica still linger*- on. /-/Then there were*N1 just four couples left=P--040 (on the floor. )/-/One couple tripped*- & fell*- (over each other. )/-/They danced*- (for about 30 minutes )more /C/& the other couple just dropped.*- /-/It was*N4 just Jeff & Jessica & Scott & Ashley dancing.=P--01 /-/About 10 minutes=U--03 later Ashley whispers*D1 (to Scot )[DOmy feet are hurting*- ][ARso they droped*- out. ]/-/Then the announcer comes*- out to tell=IAV091 Jessica & Jeff [DOthat they have won.*- ]/-/Jeff is*A1 so out (of control )[ARthat he kissed*D1 Jessica. ]/-/Jeff puts*D1 on Mr. Claus beard /C/& Jessica puts*D1 on Mrs. Claus cap. /-/(After the dance )Ashley is talking*- (to Jessica )(in the powder room. )/-/Jessica said*D1 [DOthat she had never been*A1 so happy (in all )(of her life. )]/-/Then she said*D1 [DOher dream has finally come*A1 true. ]!!!!!!!!